<p>I live in canada, no such restaurant as hooters.</p>
<p>Actually the Chances Boards have their use. They make you put things into perspective about Harvard & company. OK, maybe they raise the anxiety a little (I almost did not apply to Harvard at all bc of a 1600 oh-so-perfect student who was desperate to know if she had a chance).
I got to value the lesser-known colleges a lot more through these boards, realizing that quality college != HYP</p>
<p>Meh, people who lie about their scores don't bother me. I mean, who are they trying to impress? I've seem so MANY 800 and 2400 across the board, I just skim over them. Plus, I don't know anyone here, and I probably won't evern encounter them in my life again.
HOwever, i think cc is awesome for advice. For example, the comments on review books saved me probably hundreds of dollars. I knew which book to buy and was confident that I chose the right book.
there was this girl who went to Harvard at my school. She took three APs, top 15% of her class, SAT about 1300. go figure.
although she was african american...</p>
<p>What are my chances board is mostly to ask for advice. Everyone has their own special circumstance(well many who post on the board) and wants to utilize it. For example I posted because I moved a lot and lived about half-half in both Korea and the US. Also I came to the US in 2004 although I've lived in the US before, so I knew that my ECs were lacking and that I needed to know if college admissions would consider my situation and what i had to do to improve myself as an applicant. Also I really did not have any ideas on choosing my 'sure bet' schools and my 'match' schools. It definitely helped me and I'm definitely not a troll. You can distinguish a 'real' post from a 'fake' one. If you want to check I did get advice on the schools to apply to and what to do to improve myself as an applicant. This is definitely not for bragging as you can see from my not so great stats. Check if you want to. I just wanted to say that some/a lot of people who post on that forum do it because they want advices not to boost their ego although there might be some people whose intentions are similar to that. <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=40848%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=40848</a></p>
<p>i think this site puts everything in perspective....use it as a resource, rather than letting it get you down</p>