Son will not look anywhere BUT Bama

<p>My son is a Junior in HS and has grown up going to Bama football games or watching them all of his life. I really want him to at least look at a couple of other schools but he says Why if I am going to Bama?? What would you do?</p>

<p>My younger son was like that. Only wanted Bama. It was odd because when my older son first decided on Bama, my younger son loudly declared that he would never go to the same school as his brother. Then when he went to a football game, walked around campus, and helped his older bro move into his dorm he decided that he was going to Bama, too. </p>

<p>However, I did make him send in some apps elsewhere, which he thought was a total waste lol </p>

<p>He loves Bama and has never regretted his decision.</p>

<p>Since your D is at BSC, it would seem that it would be convenient for you to have them rather close by. :)</p>

<p>I was able to get my daughter to apply to other colleges, however, getting her to jump through the “Presidential” Scholorship hoops at other schools has proven infinitely harder since she got her letter from BAMA. </p>

<p>Three weeks until we visit. I fear all hope will be lost at that point. BAMA is brilliant in their timely decisions and over the top attention. </p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>I am Ok with Bama-it is just SO big- I went to a VERY small school and I always hear people who went to Alabama say" i wish i had gone somewhere smaller" -they loved it there but I think they know they would have done better at a smaller campus…</p>

<p>I do not see D much at all-she seems to study alot and has things to do…BSC is a great fit for her so far.</p>

<p>I went to a VERY small school and I always hear people who went to Alabama say" i wish i had gone somewhere smaller"</p>

<p>Really? I never hear that from Bama grads. I have heard that from grads from other large schools, but Bama is quite personal. And, now with its very developed Honors College, that shrinks the school as well.</p>

<p>Bama is very thoughtfully laid out. Buildings are clustered by type. Gen Ed classes tend to be close to the Quad, and courses for majors tend to be clustered as well. Science classes tend to be in the NE section of campus, Humanities courses tend to be in the west side of campus, business courses are on the lower west side, performing and fine arts tends to be on the south side, etc. </p>

<p>Dorms and other support buildings tend to be on the perimeters.</p>

<p>O if only we had known!!! DS applied to so many schools…what a lot of agony and angst for nothing. He was accepted everywhere (wait-listed one place), but none of the options was financially feasible for us. Except Bama, with its generous scholarships.</p>

<p>Had we but known. He still might have applied to a few other places just to be on the safe side, but not to soooo many.</p>

<p>We won’t make that mistake with son #2. Sooooo not worth all the grief and effort and anxiety!!</p>

<p>Re large size of Bama: DS was home-schooled, and you can’t get a student body much smaller than that. He is LOOOOOVING the size of Bama; he is in Social Seventh Heaven, LOL.</p>

<p>I am in such a good mood right now, because DS has aced a few important recent assignments. Sometimes it is like pulling teeth, but…</p>

<p>I say count your blessings, especially if your son can get into the honor college! UA came up late on our radar screen and would have saved us a lot of time and stress had we looked into it earlier and cut way down on the number of colleges our son applied to. We visited a lot of smaller private schools and none of their campuses seemed smaller, or that much smaller, than the campus at UA. On the other hand, many of them offered more consistency with respect to small class size.</p>

<p>UA came up late on our radar screen and would have saved us a lot of time and stress had we looked into it earlier and cut way down on the number of colleges our son applied to.</p>

<p>Same here!!</p>

<p>“Bama is quite personal”
Funny you say that…for me in the early 1970s, it was pretty much throwing you in the deep end with sharks circling. You sank or swam. Daughter confirmed same 2001-2005. That’s why being in a sorority was important to me…daughter not so much. It was OK for her but she’s always been very social.
My advisors hadn’t a clue…it was good I had memorized my major and minor tracks, because more than once they advised me wrong.</p>

<p>hless… you will often read on these forums that parents will insist on a “parents choice” If he is pretty determined, not much point in doing alot of apps…his heart wont be in it and your pocket book will spend money for nothing…but nothing wrong with insisting he at least apply to ONE that you have researched and feel would be a good choice.</p>

<p>I was where you were last year. Bama or bust for then Junior D. Now as a senior, she has three acceptances, waiting on 2 and 2 other applications she may still do. But she is now torn between UA and USF. She was Miss Hounds tooth, and now, her decision is in flux. It’s going to be interesting to see how she reacts if/when other acceptances come.</p>

<p>THANKS - he took the ACT last week but he is not an all A student-he does have a 3.4-3.5 but a few B’s at the moment… he will still go even if he doesn’t get into honors…</p>

<p>hlsess: My youngest son, a HS sophomore, has UA at the top of his college choices, but we have told him that he does need options. So he agreed to do some research and visit some different schools that offer what he seeks. Even his older brother, who is in his third year at UA, believes that, while Bama is a great school, there may be one that is a better fit. Tell your son to humor you and fill out another app or two.</p>