Sonoma State, has anyone heard back?

I’m hoping to transfer to Sonoma State in the fall as a Liberal Studies Hutchins major. It’s impacted and I’m starting to get worried since it is already February. Two of my transfer friends have already heard back from SSU with their major being business which is also impacted. I have a 3.4 GPA and I live in Sonoma. Has anyone else heard back from this major of Liberal Studies or is just eagerly waiting? I check the website constantly for my application status and I just hope I’m not the only one out there waiting.

My son is still waiting to hear from SSU. He is a first time freshman majoring in English. I have no idea how SSU ACTUALLY orders their acceptance notifications. The web site says that they process in the order of application, but many of the posts on this forum suggest otherwise. My son applied on October 16th and has already been accepted to Sac State and CSUMB. He would have been accepted to most of the UC’s had he applied, so we’re not looking at the delay as any kind of indication of worthiness. I think SSU is just kind of eccentric in their notifications. It’s a small school and they do things their own way.

I am a graduate of SSU, so I have nothing but respect and fond memories of my time there. I transferred in and did my last two years there. I was late in applying and they rejected my application at first. I appealed and talked to them directly. They were very approachable people and I was able to get in on appeal. If you don’t make it on this first round, APPEAL if that’s what you have your heart set on. The might say no, but they may say yes.

One last thing: I am a high school teacher (English 20+ years) and several of my wife’s co-workers (elementary school) are Hutchins grads. SSU does a great job of preparing teachers. I actually majored in TEACHING English, not in creative writing or literature like most schools offer. I highly recommend Sonoma State if you want to be a teacher.

That being said, one of my good friends is a doctor and a proud Seawolf, so SSU seems to be doing a pretty good job all around.

I’ve called Admissions and Records and they said they do process applications in order they receive, but by major. So each major can go by their own pace basically and one major can send out acceptances faster than another. Liberal Studies is currently still going through applications right now so I’ll be patiently waiting.
Thank you for the advice about appealing! Hopefully I won’t need to do that, but it’s always a good idea to prepare for the worst. My mom went to Sonoma State to be a teacher as a well, it is great program that I hope to be apart of.

That’s good information. Thank you for sharing. Good luck!

My son is a first time freshman majoring in English and he got his acceptance yesterday.

When did he apply? My son has already gotten acceptances from Sac State, Cal State Monterey Bay, and Cal Poly SLO, but not a word from SSU. They say that they process applications in the order that they are received. He applied on October 16th, but he has friends with later application dates who have already heard back (different majors, though). Just curious. Like I said in a previous post, it could just be SSU’s normal idiosyncrasies at work.

He applied November 27th and we are local.

Thanks. I appreciate the info.

Just heard back today, I got in :slight_smile: good luck to everyone!

Congratulations!!! @eagertransfer

My son was accepted today at approximately 10 am.

In state
First time freshman
English major
W-GPA 3.9
UW-GPA 3.56
SAT 1210
Other applications and acceptances: Sac State (local), CSUMB and Cal Poly SLO.
No decision as of yet on which school he will attend.