soNYT 2023

I wanted to make this thread because I was looking around for information on people’s experiences with the soNYT and people who have applied but i haven’t seen anything. I only saw old threads on here so I wanted to make my own.
I applied for Early Decision and decisions should come out in 4-6 weeks so I’m kind of just waiting right now

Hi! I attended SONYT last year (I took their Opinion Writing Course). I did ED last year and got in. It was one of the most amazing experiences ever! It kinda depends on the course, but there’s very little homework, so you’ll have a lot of time in the afternoon to explore the city and socialize. There’s a great balance between academic and social life; I learned so much about journalism but also made a lot of new friends. They have a lot of exploration/tour-y/socializing activities. They’re also pretty chill about going out to explore on your own, too.
Lmk if you want to know anything else!

Are there any places u recommend going to? I’ve never been to New York so I wanna go and see a lot of stuff if my mom gives me permission lol?
And how is the roommate situation?

Oh also how were the classes because ( I got accepted to Photojournalism as and Art) so i’m hoping we ge to leave the classroom a lot

I just got into creative writing program. Is it worth it ? Too costly

Any views guys

sorry I haven’t been on this site in a minute but a lot of people say it’s a really good experience. I got the diverse voices scholarship so that’s how i’m paying. If u can find other ways to pay for it then i feel like its a really good opportunity to learn from professionals, but there’s always cheaper summer programs at colleges all over if that’s a better option for you.

Hi! I did not do or apply to this program so keep in mind that I am not an expert on this. As a journalism major who did a couple FREE summer journalism programs, I strongly recommend not doing a program like this unless you get a scholarship or can easily afford it. It’ll be a fun experience and you might learn a lot—but that can be achieved without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars. In the long run, these kinds of programs that accept nearly everyone and charge heaps of money are basically glorified summer camp. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing but don’t be misled either.

Anyone else get in with 0 aid?? my income bracket is like 75k/year.

ooh i mean slightly off topic but do you have any free summer journalism programs that you would recommend?

hi!! i got accepted a bit back to term 2 2023, would you guys like me to make a groupchat so we can discuss it? my insta handle is @parbadee

aw dang i wish i could, but i dont have any socials :sleepy:

Omg this is so late but Princeton summer journalism program, Jcamp, annenberg youth academy, asu Cronkite (the free one), pbs student reporting labs summer academy, etc.

Omg tysm! I’ll look into all of these :smiling_face:

Omg I was so devastated when I found out we have 2 roommates :sob: but hopefully I get good people :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3: