Sophie Davis Fall 2021

No I didn’t get that email but they should have done that. I just confirmed with all my recommenders and my guidance counselor.

Great thank you! I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t missing any important info! Good luck with ur application process!!

Thanks Good luck to you too! Let us know if you get an invite :smile:

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Meeee! so nervous…

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Good luck I hope we get it god willing

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Good luck to all of you!! If any of you guys get an interview notification please let us know. Hopefully we can all do this!!

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Ofc, gl to all of you !! I found out I was selected for an interview at Macaulay so hopefully thats the start of more interviews!!

That’s amazing. Good luck on that!!

Thank you!!

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Congrats! I didn’t know they did interviews lol

Yeah Good Luck to you guys too!!

Which macaulay did you get into if you dont mind me asking

thank you! tbh neither did i; i dont think every campus does interviews. im like p sure baruch doesnt. but i got an interview at hunter : )


Congratss and good luck! I also got an interview for Macaulay at Hunter.

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Ohh thanks! Yeah I looked it up and it says “in some cases there are interviews” so I think they interview people who they would like to more about MAYBE I might be wrong idk. But congrats to you both My first choice for macaulay was also hunter lol

I’m so worried guys. I hope we get an interview for Sophie as well. That’ll be a dream come true.

But good luck on your guys Macaulay interviews as well.

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Lol if you’re worried this much, you should try to focus on something else for the next few weeks cuz if you keep thinking about this, the next few weeks are not gonna be fun :slight_smile: But yeah I hope you get it!

You’re right. But it’s so hard not to think about. But I understand what you mean. Thanks.

dw I totally get it and ik its easier said than done gl again

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Thank you. You too.

@cardigan22 just received an email from SD that says my application and essays have been received and that they will continue reviewing supporting documents sent via email.

I had a question tho. Did you guys ask your teachers to send your rec letters directly to like they sent it themselves to that email right? cuz the application said to that but this email that I received is weirdly worded.