Sophie Davis Fall 2021

I reallyyy appreciate you making the list but when you repost it could you please post it in the chronological order of interviews, from earliest to latest? Thank you so much! You’re amazing lol.

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I saw on last year’s thread that acceptances were sent out from like march 29-30 and then rejections/alternates/wasitlist were sent out march 31 and April 1. There was all this crazy covid stuff at that time too, so idk what’s gonna happen this year. I asked a friend of mine who goes there, she says as far as she knows they are still following the normal deadlines etc and to check our VIP pages for updates.


omg yes I want to do that actually lmao on it now, and np :smiley:


Last year the 30th was acceptances, the days that followed was rejections/alternatives


yup pretty much. it sucks because my birthday is the 27th and idek what to expect with Sophie Davis. would be a pretty nice birthday present if I got in lmao


Awww happy early birthday!! and I hope you get that amazing present hahah


thank you :smiley: me too, and I hope we all get in on this thread for whoever has had an interview already. I would be so glad to be surrounded by a supporting and uplifting group of people.


@Callmesmores I’ll keep calling you smores though :laughing:

btw I finished editing the list chronologically

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At the accepted Sophie students event (if there is one) we could put (cc) at the end of our names so we know who was in here and at the end put our emails in the chat so someone ( I’d do it if I get in) makes a group chat. Or we could just continue talking here after but I don’t think that’d work tbh


i think at that point we could follow each others igs. also happy early birthday @ellona0327!!!


we could all exchange emails and then from there exchange phone numbers via email, I don’t have any socials and idk how many others are like me out there so the best is to do it via phone number. As we near the date, whoever gets their emails should come back here and update their status so I can continue updated the list. After April 1 when we know for sure everything is finished, whoever was accepted can continue on with what I said above. Sound good?


im also so excited to never check college confidential AGAIN!! all of you are super nice but that cant be said for the rest of cc this place can be hella toxic



Really how?? I’m guessing I got lucky cause I’ve never looked beyond this chain because it had all i needed

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That’s so true, I always heard that CC is super toxic but despite that I came on but this is thread is the opposite, and I’m really grateful for that.

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We could all have a zoom meeting for the whole chain and meet each other in April regardless of getting in or not because we got so far and the people that get in can exchange there cause idk about putting my email here and leaving it here bc I’m forgetful


It could also be dangerous idk probably needs further discussion but that’s what this is for

we could give our social media @ lol and make a group chat like last year’s class did.


Some people don’t have social media

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