Sophie Davis Fall 2021


I think our current school emails are the safest and then on an email chain we could share our phone numbers.

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We can make a group chat with “group me” the app

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oh you’re so right i didn’t think of that. but we should definitely think of a solution because it’ll be so great to meet all of you

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Gotta wait for the school’s response first :joy: I don’t wanna raise my expectations and get excited just to read “we regret to inform you” in the end :confused:

Facts !

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Happy early birthday @ellona0327 !!!:sparkles::confetti_ball::partying_face:

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lmaoooooo! literally me this whole time since the interview. honestly just hoping for the best at this point for all of us. in or not this forum was such a pleasure and this nerve racking journey was like also a blessing :joy:


Right! Which is why I’d love to meet everyone regardless of if they get in or not also the group me sounds like a good idea. I’m glad we are discussing this before though even though it makes it even more nerve-racking. Hopefully we all can be besties!!



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Guys imagine we become super close friends and find this thread 7 years later. That would be super exciting :heart_eyes:


stawwpp you’re getting my hopes up

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ooo love the idea!

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thank you so much smores!!!


I don’t have any socials tho

I would love that so much just the thought of it makes my heart melt ugh :weary:

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maybe through SMS? but are we all comfortable with giving out our number on a public forum lol thats the problem. ahhhh this is actually so hard to plan :sob:

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wait isn’t there a private messaging option on this forum though? if we could start a private chat between all of us then we could exchange info on there?


yeah thats a good idea

we can designate one person to be in charge of gathering the numbers and making the chat