Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Yeahh, but this year we don’t know what would happen. and I also realized the week of acceptances they don’t do interviews.

I scrolled back to March 2020 and according to last year’s thread, they got their results (acceptances) on like march 29 or 30, which is Sunday and Monday

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Well yeah but you know last year was the lock down & they were still doing interviews. But let’s just chill :see_no_evil:

Omg @ellona0327 thank you for being the designated person. You sound like the person we can always rely on and I really appreciate you for that! :sparkling_heart:


btw I just signed up for a group me acc to see how it all works, all you have to do is use ur email to make one. Once you do, I clicked on “start a group” and I can add you guys by email too, so lets stick to email and then from there we can decide further details.

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OMG THATS LITERALLY ME :sob: :sob: all my friends and family call me the reliable one aaaa

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I’ll make an account to prepare

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alrightyyy im awaiting

Also guys when I think about this, I don’t think CCNY as a whole school would of have a virtual accepted students day if Sophie was still doing interviews.

Sophie has interviews this year only on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. CCNY accepted students day is the 24th at 4:30 same day as Sophie be having their interviews & time they finish interviews too. So that’ll be so weird to do. So I think they’re done.

I’m just putting 2 & 2 together

Ok so its decided, when we become a group of best friends, you’ll be the group mom :heart_eyes: hahahah just kidding… unless…


so the private chats work, whoever wants to join a general group chat on group me, sign up for an account and send me a private message through college confidential with your email or #, whatever/whichever you used to create a group me account so that I can add people


who gonna be the group papa tho :smirk:
im jk jk I’m very dirty minded excuse me lmao

lollll we will figure the group papa out soon. And we love all kinds of minds here so its okay :joy:

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love the energy

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@ellona0327 I sent you a PM hopefully you’ve received it

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Same :slightly_smiling_face:

yes I got it! figuring out how to do this group me thing atm, ill get back to y’all

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ok gotchu take your time

so apparently it only works with phone numbers so UPDATE, PM with phone numbers if yo wanna be in the group me and make sure you have an account!

ok i sent it