<p>Let's share some of the most philosophical/sophisticated thoughts we have in our minds. </p>
<li>Comment on the previous post.</li>
<li>Share your own thoughts.</li>
<p>I'll go first! </p>
<li>The human nature is perpetual. While the laws change overtime, we never change. We will always have the same problems we have now. </li>
<p>Also, humans are helpless indiviuals and we will never be truly independent. Our values are developed by the society. Even our religion is most likely to be shaped by the environment. </p>
<p>Your turn!
I am excited to hear your thoughts!</p>
<h1>1 is entirely too broad. Would you elaborate? (I mean, Abe Lincoln’s kids never spent too much time on Facebook…but seriously, what problems come to mind?)</h1>
<li><p>What is “the human nature”? What laws? Doesn’t the idea that humans never change run contrary to evolutionary principles? Where do you get the idea that “we will always have the same problems we have now” from?</p></li>
<li><p>Argument against “free will”, then? I don’t know what you mean by “helpless individuals” though.</p></li>
<p>It is, indeed, broad. ‘Facebook’ is only an example of a broad concept.
While we try to reach to an utopia where everyone is happy, it is never possible. Even after people overthrew the idea of slavery, we still have the slaves in our society, justwith a different name: Minimum wage workers.
They are in the vicious cycle. Typically, it is the African Americans. Watching them, i realize how strong peer pressure is and also the environment one has to cope with.</p>
<li><p>Nope your wrong humans are just another stepping stone in the creek. We are a primitive species that have yet to evolve. We are so arrogant that we think we are at the peak of the wisdom in the universe. When in reality we are nothing but gold fish in a tank, in a existence that we cannot possibly comprehend beyond our little tank. We humans may be able to fly into the beyond when we are ready. Leaving behind our primitive problems and train of thought, only to be met with new more sophisticated ones.</p></li>
<li><p>I like orange juice.</p></li>
Is there such a thing?
If i were to be born in a islam community, would i really be able to become a christian? With all the social pressures?
While we shout out free will, we have a basket of options the society has created and we have no choice but to draw from that basket.</li>
<p>Also, the upper powers have nearly absolute control over us. No matter what we do as individuals, the society wouldnt change. The strong, wealthy people can basically manipulate and control the people.</p>
<p>The society is making people want things faster and sooner. We have become so impatient. We have become unhappier than we ever. We are too busy following the ‘trend’</p>
<li><p>I like orange juice too!!!
These massively produced goods. I wonder of they do us more good than they do us harm.</p></li>
<li><p>Like you mentioned, we might be just a “stepping stone.”
As a christian, my belief is different. I do not think we will evolve. The nature is “evolving” (a nicer way of saying ‘being destroyed by humans’) too fast for any kind of specie to evolve.</p></li>
<p>@dhs911230 A utopia in our lifetime is indeed impossible. But for humanity as a whole it is not. One day thousands of generations from today a utopia may be possible. But this will only be true if we as mankind today realize the importance of our existence as a whole instead of an individual. We all eventually die, but as a species we can be immortal. Instead living for your own self worth, live for the betterment for humanity. So we as one can reach the ultimate goal of perfect enlightenment. Like how a lot of religions say, if you are selfless and righteous you will rest in eternal paradise(heaven). I believe that we as individuals do not go to heaven, but if we play our cards right humanity can live in an eternal paradise. ;)</p>
<li>Great point. I would love to see that happen.
But i honestly doubt that day wouls ever come. Like you said, we all die eventually. Such ones with great enlightenment eventually die and Everything starts over.
I remember reading Socrates’ writing about the people of his time. And the people described in there were exactly the same as the people now.</li>
<p>Also, the nature is being deteriorated very fast. How on Earth can we stop this? I really wish i could… But as long as the business corporations continue their strategy, it wont be possible.
For the reference, i encourage you watching “Story of Stuff” from Youtube. It is a 20minute clip that might open up your eyes. Maybe you are already ‘aware.’</p>
<li>I’d like to see more done on global warming, preventative measures… Socrates’ dialogues are definitely interesting. It’s been awhile since I had to read The Apology, Crito, and Phaedo those aren’t the only three but certainly the most famous… Ring of Gyges is pretty famous too</li>
<p>2.It’s rather complicated and subjective to the point that I dunno if I can explain it well right now, half-asleep… but I’ve figured out a Philosophical way of semi-proving the old
The Statement Below Is True
The Statement Above Is False
paradox where it can exist as a true statement of terms but it gets into kinda Statement 1, Statement 2, Statement sub1, Statement 2 sub2 type thing… if that makes sense? It’s done by rejecting the infinite loop of sorts and writing it out as “The statement below is true, that the statement above is false, therefore it is true that the statement above is lying/false” so now it’s able to declare itself and be valid without having to self-reference the statement above and get caught in the loop. </p>
<p>I also found a proof for beating the immovable object with the unstoppable force or vice versa. Consider them both Infinity, you have Infinity A and Infinity B. This basically makes them in a purely subjective concept a 1:1 ratio… So they’d cancel each other out at a 1:1 ratio. But attacking with Infinity A+1 or Infinity B+1 should technically cancel the other out and do 1 damage on top of it. In a purely theoretical sense. </p>
<p>Besides my schooling in Psychology, I’m sure I’ve mentioned I’m trying to write a novel that gets into HP/LOTR/etc/etc sci-fi stuff so the topic of how to actually destroy someone who’s achieved immortality or been granted a single-use infinite attack has come up a few times. Plus I wanna minor in Philosophy so this sort of stuff intrigues me greatly.</p>
<p>We should probably work on this whole “overpopulation” thing we’ve got going on before we start looking towards utopian living. I’ve been thinking about reasonable ways to rectify this without going into an Ishmael-esque solution (since I acknowledge that I won’t particularly enjoy giving up my luxuries) for awhile, but I’m not exactly an expert on human sustainability.</p>
<li>What are we? What right do we have to justify our action of destroying the Earth?
If we are only a specie, what right do we have to take over other the Earth and dictate over other species?
How different are we from Hitler, really?
Abusing our power for our interest? How selfish are we to only think about ourselves, the humans?
If Hitler genuinely thought he was a superior being, he was just doing exactly what we are doing to other ‘inferior’ species. Because we apparently are the most intelligent and therefore have the right to abuse the planet.</li>
<p>Nah, infinity+1 is still infinity. Disregarding the fact that these premises can’t exist at the same time, we have:</p>
<p>An immovable object has infinite inertia and therefore infinite mass. It would thus collapse under its own weight and form a singularity. Infinite energy objects can’t exist under our universe’s laws, as far as I know.</p>
<p>@Sithis I figured someone would say that, that’s why I said it’s complicated to understand, the +1 has to exist as a seperate entity (and yet still a part) from the Infinity lest it be combined in it. That’s why the idea of Infinity +1 would be so radical, because you’re adding something that’s both seperate and in some ways part of the attack to something that, by definition, is limitless. It’s the idea of limiting limitlessness by making it into a singular quantifiable value. You’re not looking at the value of infinity ITSELF, you’re establishing like… 1 infinity, 2 infinity (3 infinity ha-ha-ha) it’s kind of hard to put into words how I formulated what’s in my head but… does it sort of make sense? It only works in relation to two infinity variables smashing into each other because the idea is they would cancel each other out infinitely but the +1 still exists as a seperate-ness that can bypass the 1:1 canceling out.</p>
<p>Of course I wasn’t thinking about the infinite mass/infinite inertia thing. Can you tell I formulated this with DBZ/Yugioh logic instead of physics logic? I wasn’t applying natural forces to the equation.</p>
<p>@sithies when i say we all eventually die I meant that we all as individuals die. But as a species “humans” we can be immortal .</p>
<p>@AeroEngineer3141 See that is the thing about overpopulation. If people would stop being brain dead, get over our little differences (religion, bad political views) and stop being greedy+corrupt, we could use the money for better technology and maybe even start colonizing off planet! Unfortunatly only about 95% of the population have the ability to think rationally. So we are stuck in this rut of overpopulation, senseless wars, religious tension, greed, and the inability to see 3 inches in front of our noses! At the same time we have people going hungry in the world, people in our own country going hungry, yet the republicans give millionares and billionares 3% tax cuts!! LOL. No wonder we are doomed on 2012, aliens are going to come down and realize how this planet is filled to the top with morons and blow us up.</p>
<p>So you’re saying
Infinity+1 colliding with -infinity is 1?
Well if you use that logic, you can add 1 on the other side too. Or any number, really.
Im not sure if that really works.</p>