Sophomore and Ap's??

<p>Hey, </p>

<p>Do you think It's too late to start studying for an AP test? I really want to self study for one.. but im just a sophomore and i've never taken an AP you think that I could get a 4 or 5 in an AP test if i try really hard? which test do you think I should study for? How do you do it? Do you have to talk to your counselor( i dont like my counselor, can i just register myself and take the test without telling my counselor?? what happens if you do really bad on the test? do colleges know if you dont submit your score? can you take an AP test again?</p>

<p>Hi, welcome to the forum! </p>

<p>I don’t think it’s too late to start self-studying for an AP test. In fact, I’m a sophomore and I’m starting on self-studying AP Human Geo and World. </p>

<p>I think that if you try really hard, you can definitely get a 4 and a 5. Remember, for most AP tests, you’ll need a “65%” in the exam to get a 5. That translates to approximately a C in most school courses. </p>

<p>For self-studying, you should choose an exam that is easIER. That means staying away from AP US history (technically I shouldn’t be trying out AP World, but I’ll see how well I do). </p>

<p>Here are some recommended “easy” APs;</p>

Human Geography (I’m doing)
Environmental Science (I’ve heard)
Chinese (if you’re native or not, it’s eaassy)
Stats (I’ve heard people call it “nothing” </p>

<p>So try these out, and see how you do. </p>

<p>I do agree though, that it isn’t the earliest time to start. Remember that the AP Exams are in May, so that gives you about 5 months of solid self-studying. If you keep at it, you can do it! </p>

<p>If you decide to self study AP Human Geo or I’m considering AP Psych, contact me and we can start a study group of some sort!</p>

<p>Also >> I’m making a blog on APs and SATs in general-- it’s still under construction, but I’ve already added some of my personal experiences with AP US History (APUSH is not recommended for self study, but I’m about to add my personal experiences in self-studying AP human geography!)</p>

<p>As a sophomore who took 4 APs, I would say that the only APs you should self-study are Psychology and Human Geography. APES (Env. Sci.) is only especially easy with an AP Biology base. Statistics, while easy, is a math regardless, and thus, in my opinion, should not be pursued as a self-study, though a couple people have done it before. World History is tedious on reading and you may not be accustomed to their essay testing methods. </p>

<p>So. My suggestion to you is do Psych and Human Geo. Just do 1 unless you really have confidence before AP exams to take 2 (which really isn’t that hard).</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, do you think that it would be easy to study for the European history test?do they ask ldetails that no one knows about on the test??</p>

<p>no, don’t do european history…the best to start out with, would be what the others are saying…psych and human geo…</p>

<p>Oh noes…I already ordered the world history books! O=</p>

<p>To someone who suggested AP Chinese as an easy self-study, I have no idea what they are talking about no offense. Chinese is a highly complex language to learn by yourself, and requires a knowledgeable teacher who is able to explain the completely different syntax. Without a proper classroom setting, portions such as the section where students have to write in responses on a computer would be impossible, especially as you are competing against so many native speakers. No language makes a good self-study.</p>

<p>@ hsbc</p>

<p>Yeaa you’re right. Sorry for the misleading-ness =P.</p>

<p>I’m self-studying AP Euro at the moment. It is quite difficult, and may be especially so if you haven’t taken a Modern World History course yet. However, with a strong work ethic, it’s possible to get a good grade (I hope.) :slight_smile: Good Luck with whatever you choose!</p>