I going to kill myself?

<p>Deciding to do one, a combination of, or all of the below for self study: </p>

<p>Psychology > World History > Human Geo</p>

<p>As a COURSE I am taking AP US...and getting B )=</p>

<p>for the experienced self-studiers...what would YOU do? (school offers psychology, but i want to get on with social study APs and do other stuff in junior and senior school does not offer world or human geo) </p>


<p>I’m thinking I should self-study in sophomore year (year i am in right now) b/c in junior i’ll be worrying about the SAT I, and for senior…by that time colleges won’t see what I can [or can’t] do…</p>

<p>dude, you’re lucky you’re a soph and you know you can do self studying. when i was a soph, i didnt know what an AP was. I definitely advise you to take some self studying test during soph yr, and do good, and then tell the colleges you took it in 10th grade and succeeded. Get em out of the way now. I would if i could go back, and I’m gonna tell my bro whos in 7th grade the same thing im telling you. Im a senior right now and self studying is mad tough especially with all ap classes and college apps. but i might still try psych</p>

<p>Do psych and human geo, world history is possible but it’s just such a huge batch of info.</p>

<p>Self-studying world takes some work because the essays are kind of specialized, and I found it was hard to practice on your own. But I’ve heard Psych and Human Geo are really easy.</p>

<p>Psych and human geo are probably the 2 easiest ap exams to self study, instead of WH i would maybe look at Comparative Government using the Ethel Woods study guide as your only resource.</p>

<p>I’m pretty much going to agree with all of the previous posts. It’s a good thing you’re starting now, and personally I would go with Psychology and Human Geography. World History is not too tough, but does require more effort on your part than the other two. Good luck!</p>

<p>Psychology and Human Geography, those are the most straight forward exams you can self study for, they take like a month, so start cramming during winter break.</p>


<p>i’ve considered environmental science but…according to the college board, 10.2% of the exam takers get 5 while on world 11.2% of the exam takers get 5…</p>

<p>though i am better at the sciences than at the history APs…</p>

<p>so I assumed it was easier =P</p>

<p>i think i might take the comp course b/c its offered at our school…though they don’t offer US gov… but that’s even harder, and that’s for a later time =P</p>

<p>and a note >> xD just a bit freaked out about self-studying. Everyone says it’s “easy! it’s easy!” but well…the fact that we are all here means that we are very probably very motivated, and wanting to get into a good college. </p>

<p>I mean, we’re discussing self-studying, a concept that is… well only known to a few people in every school? </p>

<p>xD! but I love this…thank you already guys =)</p>

<p>Study them all together if you have the brains. </p>

<p>I’ve self studied APES, Human Geo, and World History and got 5’s on all of them. </p>

<p>They are easy tests… just study them all like crazy in a month and you’d do fine… </p>

<p>(Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on personal BSing and writing skills)</p>

<p>All depends how much you can cram, there was another post i read recently where a guy didn’t even start reading for the psych test until the night before where he read for 9 hours and got a 4. Probably shouldn’t be attempted but how many other courses could you pull that off for?</p>

<p>bleh…i barely have time to finish my homework everyday, i doubt i have time to cram…</p>

<p>and as for the awesome crammers before the exams, i have no idea how you guys can do that! </p>

<p>blah…because of my lack of BSing skills i guess i should stay away from world.</p>

<p>i would do psych and human geo. histories are tough to self-study, because getting good results is tough without the materials that teachers have access to. plus, psych and human geo are two of the easier APs.</p>

<p>yea…=) thanks :slight_smile: xD</p>

<p>well… now for AP human geo I got barron’s and ONLY barrons…would that be enough? O=</p>

<p>and i’m freaked out about world, so i got barrons, kaplan, and PR xD! but no textbook…because its too expensive )=</p>


<p>did you check out amazon for world textbooks? they have good deals sometimes.</p>

<p>are you taking environmental science too?</p>

<p>@ nbafan135</p>

<p>Nope. I think attempting 3 APs is freaky enough xD</p>

<p>also, it appears that APES is harder (due to the stats)…apparently less people get 5s. </p>

<p>but i’m going to self study for it next year =) if i can fit it in my junior year <_<</p>

<p>@ : )</p>

<p>Yea I guess but the best deals were something like $80 and they don’t deliver to my country )=</p>

<p>and if I buy directly from amazon, it’s out of stock and I guess i’ll need it soon if i want to fit it during my winter holiday schedule.</p>

<p>I’m self-studying AP Human Geography and AP World History, too :).</p>

<p>Barron’s is pretty good, just remember the fact that Barron’s is harder than the real test, so don’t worry about the diffculty of Barron’s.</p>