Sophomore schedule: Would this be manageable?

<p>First semester:
Intro to Chem
Intro to Bio
Upper-Level Spanish
Music Theory I w/ lab
Calc II</p>

<p>Second semester:
Intro to Chem II
Intro to Bio II
Music Theory II w/ lab
Calc III</p>

<p>It seems rough... especially where I'll have three lab classes is (mus theory lab is only 50 min though) . Do you think it's too much?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t count music theory as an actual lab. It’s more of a math recitation-type lab with problem set-type homework. No pre-lab planning and post-lab analysis.</p>

<p>Your schedule has the potential to be very time-consuming, but it will depend on the instructors of your courses. That’s kind of hard to judge from a distance…</p>

<p>it might be somewhat time-consuming, but it doesn’t seem very hard. most of those classes are pretty introductory.</p>

<p>Give us some personal background. Without knowing your personality and success rates prior to this, nobody can make that decision.</p>

<p>Doesn’t sound too hard, but it’s up to you. Not to be an ■■■■■■■ or anything but this looks a little more like a freshman schedule, except for the calc III which a lot of sophomores take. Maybe I’m biased because me and everyone I know came in with a ton of AP credit… but maybe you didn’t and there’s nothing wrong with that. Or maybe you changed majors? </p>

<p>Anyway, it’s all up to you. And what school you go to.</p>

<p>It looks pretty overwhelming to me, but if you have good time management skills and not a lot of other stuff (job, family, ec’s), it should be okay.</p>

<p>If you are a science major, you will have to take course loads much heavier than this not too long from now. Better get used to this schedule.</p>