<p>Hi. I'm an incoming freshmen @ Cal, and after looking over my AP and IB exam results, I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to have "sophomore standing." The problem is, when I check on Bearfacts, it still labels me as a Freshman. Should I be worried about this? I've heard that depending on your standing, your Phase II appointment will be adjusted. All my friends who are coming to Cal have theirs on July 23 whereas I have mine on the 24. (I know, not that much difference, but it's something I want to check out). </p>
<p>For clarity, here are my AP exams that I've taken (assume 3+ score): Bio, Environmental, US, Eng Lit, Calc BC, Physics B, Chem, World, and Eng Lang. I also scored at least a 30 towards my IB diploma. </p>
<p>Are there any incoming Freshmen out there who have sophomore labeled in their Bearfacts? Should I contact the admissions office, or should I wait it out until August and see if it changes?</p>
<p>Thanks for your help. Much appreciated!</p>
<p>the difference between you and your friends is just due to luck / lottery. Last year, no one I know had their standing updated until school had started (so it should be updated for picking classes in the Spring of next year, but not for phase 2). </p>
<p>that being said, I suppose you could try contacting the admissions office - it certainly wouldn’t hurt. A lot of that stuff is done by hand I think, so there are mistakes / ways things can be done for your favor (one of my friends had his units doubled on accident and has the very first appointment date now).</p>
<p>Mine is on the 24h too</p>
<p>Oh okay, thanks for the help!</p>
<p>your credits don’t really give you sophomore standing where it counts.
You have three levels, “Education”, “Non-AP”, and “Future (Telebears)”</p>
<p>Your Education level does nothing, to my knowledge.
Your Non-AP (generally) represents what you really are. (this is based on UC/CSU/CC units)
Your Future (Telebears) level is what determines if you are allowed to register for a class (hence it is called you Telebears level).</p>
<p>Your TeleBEARS appointments are controlled primarily by your Non-AP level. Based on your Non-AP level the specific 4-5 days time window within which your TeleBEARS appointments are. Your AP/IB units (which do count towards your Future (Telebears) level) controls where in that window your TeleBEARS appointment lies</p>