Sophomore transfer into stern.

<p>Is NYU one of those schools that only accept students who would have been strong high school applicants? I'm applying to stern for sophomore standing and I'm nervous that it will be waste of time due to my high school performance.</p>

<p>I graduated with roughly an 88/100 average from high school unweighted and had a 1960 SAT score. A few AP and honors courses but I didn't load up with 5+ AP's like many students.</p>

<p>I have a very strong resume with regard to internship experience and I'm actually interviewing with a Goldman Sachs owned company in Albany next week. my college GPA is a 3.92 granted thats only one semester but I expect at least a 3.9 for the year.</p>

<p>essentially what I'm asking is if my high school record will blow my chances at Stern since from what I hear it's one of the most competitive branches of NYU.</p>

<p>Where are you now, SUNY Albany?</p>

<p>Your SAT isn’t that awful. Stern and Tisch are the two most competitive schools here, but Tisch relies far more heavily on subjective, qualitative work for acceptance whereas Stern is the opposite, quantitative and concrete in nature. You’re roughly 100-200 points below the average here for Stern, but your raw high school grade isn’t necessarily as important as the ranking relative to others in your class. If you were top 5% (probably unlikely) or top 10%, they generally consider that strong.</p>

<p>Resumes, unfortunately, aren’t that huge a factor because they focus on work experience you’re doing outside of school on your own initiative; a school wants to see a demonstrated track record of academic success, not so much someone taking things on during the summer. Goldman’s a great name (odd that you’re interviewing for something their LevFin has under control), but it isn’t relevant to Stern. Stern is relevant to Goldman in that when you interview for summer analyst or full-time positions it’s a huge factor in your favor, but not vice versa.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>I’m attending Siena college which is right around the corner from SUNY Albany. It has a nice reputation in the upstate area but go to far out of the capital district and it’s rather unknown. </p>

<p>I was 26/156 which puts me at just under 17% (top 20%) I’m working on the written prompts now and some of them are actually pretty engaging so I’m hoping to make that part of the application as strong as possible and stress my current college GPA to show an upward trend from high school to college.</p>

<p>Best of luck with your app then. You seem to know what you ought to do to differentiate yourself, so I imagine at this point it rests squarely on your shoulders. Hope it works out for you. Let me know if you do make it, I’ll show you around or something in the summer if you do the transfer orientation or fall when the semester starts.</p>

<p>I have a similar situation. I got 1650 on SAT, 84 GPA when i was in high school. I got 5 on both my AP courses. My resume was so bad that i don’t even want to mention it. I didn’t do any volunteering, or extra curriculum either. My current gpa is 3.5 because i took cal 2 that dragged down my grades. i am pretty confident to have a 3.7 or above for the coming semester. I’m attending Binghamton University.please chance me…</p>