Sorry Duke fans...!

<p>Did anyone else see the UM basketball team demolish Duke's Blue Devils in the BUC last night? It was Duke's 3rd worst loss in school history. What an electric feeling it must have been on campus last night around 9 pm when the game ended.</p>

<p>For me, living in Syracuse, NY and with SU joining the ACC this year, it will be "interesting" when UM plays SU - I'll just wear a plain orange shirt and root for both I guess!</p>

<p>But for now.....GO CANES!!! :)</p>

<p>I was at the game, it was probably the best experience of my Freshman year so far!!</p>

<p>As much as my DS loves Miami, he doesn’t care about the sports teams there! (In the meantime, my DH and I flew to the Gator Bowl in FL to watch my alma mater play!). Hopefully, he will see how much fun it is with his friends, even if he doesn’t love watching football and b-ball!</p>

<p>I was out last night but am thrilled that Miami beat Duke!</p>

<p>Missed the game, but saw the pictures. That must have been so much fun and the campus was probably crazy last night.</p>

<p>I knew they were playing but just didn’t know when. Too bad I missed it…</p>

<p>Crazy game. LINYMOM, if your DS goes to Miami, there’s a 90% chance he’ll start caring about sports. I say this as a former music major (no, not a marching instrument, opera) who never cared at all. It just gets under your skin there. A friend told me her cousin was going there and would never care about sports. After the first football game of the season, he e-mailed her and told her it was a religious experience.</p>

<p>Go, Canes!</p>

<p>George Mason’s former coach is doing very well at Miami.</p>

<p>I’m from an area that loves college basketball and I have been in some pretty intense environments, but last night was something else. The BUC was absolutely rocking all night long, and storming the court was amazing. Pretty surreal experience.</p>

<p>Alex23: I wouldn’t be surprised if DS gets interested when he gets there (he is very athletic but just doesn’t watch those two sports). I went to school in the Big 10 and never missed a football game, went to away games, went to every basketball game (so much fun when we beat Bobby Knight), etc. I would LOVE going to Miami. Oh, wait, I don’t get to go. Bummer.</p>

<p>All the guys on my floor went and I couldn’t cause of a late class. Not skipping that class to wait in line and make the game is probably one of my biggest regrets so far this year. It was so AWESOME to hear about and see the pictures!</p>

<p>Was such an incredible game. Miami dominated from the start! (My husband says they won because I was wearing my Miami sweatshirt!!!)</p>

<p>I didn’t skip class to wait in line and I totally regret it! Regardless I had a great time packing into a dorm room with all my other engineering friends who didn’t want to wait in line and screaming at the TV for a couple of hours. Such a great win!</p>

<p>And apparently the FSU game tomorrow is already sold out…looks like Miami is catching Canes basketball fever!</p>