<p>Gpa (recalculated): 4.0
rank: 10/50
arizona private
SATs: 670, 700, 760 (I think my math score has the potential to be a lot higher when I get it back next week)
if you're wondering why my rank is so low, its because of my freshman year which was not that good at all and some classes I did badly in that aren't "core academic classes" I also had some A-'s on my transcript that brought my rank down</p>
<p>my extracurrics and stuff are pretty good: I don't think that I would be rejected from a college because of them.
Basically, I just want to know how they are going to look at my rank. If they don't care about freshman year, then they won't care about my rank, right?</p>
<p>Cal doesn’t look at rank. GPA and courseload are the most impt thing they look at, over test scores. </p>
<p>No UC looks at freshman year grades. the only grades that count for UCs are sophomore and junior year grades. senior year they look at what you’re taking.</p>
<p>I can’t really say what your chances are–I’m certain that they’re fairly good, but I don’t know what the OOS admissions rates are like.</p>
<p>California acceptances for out-of-state are hard to determine but if you were an in-state, you would have a really good chance of getting in. Make sure that you write an excellent essay since there’s not much else you can do to improve your chances, which for you is a good thing :).</p>
<p>Berkeley doesn’t look at rank or your freshman year grades, which will be good for you
Being out of state makes it harder for you, though. Could you maybe put up some more of your ECs, or anything else you think would be important and help you?</p>
<p>Yeah, OOS admissions are much much harder than for in-state. You’d probably be in if you were in-state.
Your SAT scores seem kinda low. But I think it will also depend on what college/major you decide to apply to.</p>
<p>If you can raise your SAT scores and get good SAT II scores, I’d say you have a good chance, even for an out of state. Although I don’t know how much disadvantage outer-states have besides the money.</p>
<p>Environmental Economics and Policy: at the college of letters and science</p>
<p>do they care about the major you apply to?</p>
-lots and lots on environmental work: awards, research, etc.
-community service stuff: president
-school play
-dance troupe</p>
<p>L&S doesn’t care what your major is in determining your acceptance. You might have a better chance if you applied as an EEP major in the College of Natural Resources and you will also get a BS, which isn’t much of a difference but hey it’s something different from L&S.</p>