Spanish 101?

Hello -

Just wanted to get some advice from people who have taken an introductory Spanish class before. I have never taken Spanish before, even in high school, so I am feeling overwhelmed already by the 2nd class. For example, the professor is giving instructions in Spanish, and even explaining some things in Spanish. I know maybe three words in Spanish so I am finding it very hard to keep up. And I feel like I am slowing the class down if I have to ask him to clarify everything he says in English. How was your elementary Spanish class taught?

Go talk to your instructor. Find out if what you’re feeling is normal or if you really are out of your element. Find out what resources are available to you - study group? language lunch table? tutoring? lab?

Most languages are taught immersion-style. Inquire if any other methods are used at your school that might suit you better (i.e., different class, different instructor).