Spanish 226/Enrolling

<p>Since Spanish 226 is all full, only waiting lists appear, should I add more than 1 waiting list classes of Spanish 226? Or does that not improve my chances? I heard, idk if it's true, that more classes open up for later SOARs, so should I wait til then? FYI, I already have been to SOAR. Or what else should I attempt in my situation? I am coming in with 10 AP credits and if I don't enroll in this class I will have 12 credits first semester. My SOAR advisor said do not worry about taking the spanish until second semester, however, I want to take it soon and not forget any material. Also, I have 12-14 Retro credits after I complete a spanish class with an A or B, so I would like those ASAP and maybe it will help B school admission. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, I am planning on School of Business. possibly International Business with minor in Spanish. Thanks.</p>

<p>They opened up 3 or so spots in some sections of Spanish 204 a few days ago (checked on Monday and about half of the sections were still open), so they might open up some in Spanish 226. But I’m not sure. Spanish 204 never completely filled up and never went to waitlist. I just checked every day or so to see if any sections were open (I was just trying to switch my lecture for another one but that shouldn’t matter).</p>

<p>I’m not sure about adding multiple sections, never tried it</p>

<p>I would say put yourself on all the waitlists for Spanish 226 lecture sections that would fit in your schedule. Although, I’m not sure if you can be on more than one waitlist for the same class (let us know).</p>

<p>Be persistent.</p>

<p>Wait List questions answered here:
[Enrollment</a> - Common questions from Students about the course Wait List](<a href=“Course Search & Enroll - Wait List FAQ”>Course Search & Enroll - Wait List FAQ)</p>

<p>ahh yes, it appears that you can enroll in up to three waitlisted sections of the same class. And also, I agree with staying persistent. To you up above, I also remember seeing most of 204 being filled and I just checked today and there are more open classes, odd. But wishing for the best.</p>

<p>Some sections of 226 shown as closed (red square) actually have zero class capacity and zero enrollments; perhaps these sections will be opened for enrollment. Call the Spanish department and ask (Lec 002, Lec 225) 608-262-2093.</p>