"Special Circumstance?"

<p>I have a very high SAT (2250 the first time without studying), high test scores in other areas, and a plethora of extracurriculars at the state and national level. I've held top positions at my school and in the local city council, demonstrating leadership. Basically, I match up to most Cornell applicants in every way. My dad also went to Cornell and is an alumnus, and my parents have donated to the school.</p>

<p>However...! Throughout sophomore and junior year I suffered from a stomach disease which I only began receiving treatment for this year. It caused me no end of trouble to the point where I would be passing out in class, have to go to the ER, have to miss school for days, et cetera. As a result, my GPA is a 3.6-3.7 weighted, 3.4 unweighted. After receiving treatment this past summer, I'm now totally fine, and my anticipated GPA for this upcoming semester is around a 4.4-4.5 weighted, 4.0 unweighted (four AP classes.)</p>

<p>Is there any way I still have a shot at Cornell? How do I make it known to the applications committee that "hey, guys, I swear I'm not stupid, it's just that I had chronic stomach bleeding for two years?"</p>

<p>I am going to play devil's advocate here. If you have been so sick it effected your schoolwork, how did you have time to do all of those ECs? Why didn't you scale back on those involvements and spent more time on your schoolwork? As an example, when you had to miss school because of your illness, after you felt better, did you chose to attend city council meetings, or did you chose to stay home to catch up with your schoolwork? Now, assuming you could get pass that, I would have your college counselor and teachers write letters to substantiate all of that. In your case, those recommendation letters will be very important part of your application. If your college counselor has good relationship with Cornell's adcom, a call to explain your situation would also be very helpful.</p>

<p>Glad you got your health back, it's more important than getting into a school. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks, that's valuable help. My counselor is most certainly going to be writing on it.</p>

<p>As far as the first bit goes-- the condition was exacerbated by stress, and would cause me more pain the more stressed I was. I'm naturally a "people person." Going to a meeting and leading a team of people or delivering a speech to my club was far, far easier for me than sitting down and teaching myself precalculus or reading the latest chapter in Tolstoy. </p>

<p>I appreciate your recommendation as well. :)</p>

<p>I would just apply ED. Other than your grades, for which you have an explanation, you seem like a good candidate.</p>

<p>^ Agreed. Besides, that GPA is not basement-low. For all they know your school could be deflating grades! A mid 3 will not put your application in the reject pile. Have your GC send that written letter over, and everything will be fine. Write the rest of your application without regards to this issue, and I think you should receive a thick letter.</p>

<p>I would work your illness into your essay(s). I think the adcom would like to know how you dealt with stress, especially if this illness is stress related. They would be concerned in how you would deal with stress in college - more workload, new environment, roommate.</p>

<p>^ You think so, oldfort? You have to be very careful when doing this because legitimate circumstances in a letter from a GC are fine, but when it's in one of the essays it can come off as being more of an excuse. If you decide to take this route, be mindful of this and choose your words very carefully.</p>

<p>It really depends how the illness is described by the GC. It is already a red flag to me that OP said doing ECs is less stressful than schoolwork. He needs to overcome that, or adcom is going to look at his low GPA as result of too many ECs, and not able to set appropriate priorities. I would consult the GC to make sure everything ties in together. This could be viewed as overcoming adversity, or as doing what's easiest (not for love of learning).</p>