Special Reception Austin, TX?

Anyone else going? We are! I’m so excited this is the first school, other than OU that she’s shown any interest in.

We went to the Austin Area UA reception tonight, it was the first real college search event other than a college fair and D meeting with some recruiters that visited her school. It was very impressive! There were students that drove an hour and a half or more to attend! I was thankful it wasn’t that far for us.

I really enjoyed hearing Dr. Karr speak. That man has a passion!

I don’t know if D will end up applying but she is left the reception and said she thinks she’d like to plan a visit to check it out.

@3scoutsmom‌, we had a very similar experience last year. We attended a local event in Nov. 2013 after my son already had his acceptance (UA was a safety school in his mind at the time), and we were shocked at how well attended the event was and impressive all the presentations were. We didn’t actually visit UA until Spring of senior year, but it was the fall event that kept UA in the running and my son’s interest piqued. Making his visit fairly late in the process, when he had his final choices narrowed down, was really helpful, but any visit is important when making such a huge decision.

Good luck to you and your daughter!