<p>The only important thing about grad programs is that they are accredited by the American Speech Language Hearing Association. There are some highly regarded programs out there, but really ANY accredited program will provide the same course of study…and clinical hours towards ASHA certification. </p>
<p>Back in the dark ages…I went to Southern Illinois University…I followed the money. They offered me an assistantship, instate tuition waiver, and the opportunity to teach undergrads. It was a very small program and still is. I loved it there. As a note…many of my friends applied to and were accepted at Northwestern and Purdue…they were NOT on my financial radar screen. I got the same license and certifications as those who went to those schools…and just completed a 37 year career as a public school speech pathologist.</p>
<p>Where did your daughter apply? There IS a shortage of spaces in masters programs…especially the more “popular” ones.</p>