My daughter is setting up her spider card. Should the meal plan and the $800 for meals outside be shown on the card?
It will be. I checked out my history, and they made an initial deposit of $-780.00 transaction on 8/18 of last year, so I’m sure they’ll do something like than in around a week or so. This was on a balance called Spider ULTD SVC (separate from Student SpiderCard and Spider Laundry balances), which I’m pretty sure is just not visible right now.
I honestly don’t know how to check your current meal plan (I never really thought about it), but you can call the One Card Services manager and they can help you out. The Spider Unlimited is the default, so if you don’t remember doing anything manually, that’s probably what your daughter has.
As a parent, you can log into UR’s QuikPay system to see current and past account transactions. You can confirm the current meal plan, financial aid, etc. for your daughter.