sponsor families?

<p>Are new cadets placed with sponsor families during their plebe year? I briefly read something about this on another thread, but no details. My friend will be going to USAFA next year to play football, and he told me that he has already been given information about matching with a family in the area. I will be attending USMA next year, and I will not know many people from the area (coming from Orlando, FL). Any information about this would be helpful.

<p>The sponsor family program is wonderful. During Beast you'll have your first experience visiting a sponsor. Half way through CBT the cadre will change. On that afternoon you go to what used to be called an ice cream social. You'll go to a sponsor's home, hang out and be able to call home.</p>

<p>This may or may not be your sponsor during the academic year. I think everybody gets to choose, but perhaps some of the cadets can shed better light on how the matches are made. </p>

<p>What I'd really like to say is that my daughter's sponsor family was like a breath of fresh air during plebe year. She went to parties, dinners and even stayed overnight at their home. They taped Lost and Alias for her every week so she could watch them when she came over. They invited the parents of all of their plebes to visit during Plebe Parent Weekend. After 1st semester this year, she was going overseas for the holidays. She stayed at their home for 2 days before her flight. She was picked up at 4:00 am and the family got up to see her off. </p>

<p>These marvelous people have been part of her anchor. Getting together with them is something to look forward to and being with people who care has got to be a good feeling during plebe year.</p>

<p>For any cadets who visit with a sponsor, don't forget to write thank you notes. Also, just make sure you rsvp when invited and that you let them know if you have to cancel a visit. They are volunteering their time, concern and food because they know how much it's appreciated.</p>