<p>Hi! I haven't been able to find anyone threads on the real weight that sports pull on college applications.</p>
<p>Currently I'm a freshman, and I was planning on participating in one sport- lacrosse, however, now that I look into it I just don't know if it is a good decision. I have been playing lacrosse practically all my life, but I'm not so great at the sport. I will definitely make JV up to sophomore year and probably junior year as well. Sports are a huge time commitment- 2 hour practices after school each day and long, long, long games since JV usually plays after varsity. Plus, I pretty much either hate or don't know everyone on the team. Also, if I do lacrosse, I will also have to do the intensive winter program, which is 2 hours after school each day as well. </p>
<p>I am considering starting golf. I have played a lot only for leisure. I'm not 100% sure on the time commitment. </p>
<p>My other option is to start a completely new sport- curling (yes, that weird winer olympic sport where you hove to sweep ice). I only played once with some friends at a local curling club but it was pretty fun. I am considering starting this year and maybe next year starting a curling team at my school- I would only need 3 other girls to make a team. Of course, this option is pretty out of the box and weird.</p>
<p>I am also not big into the arts, as most people who do not play a sport are. My 'big thing' is service, but I'm not going to get into that on this thread. </p>
<p>So, which option is the best? Thanks for your responses! </p>