Sports journalism

Baseball is a huge passion of mine and I’ve been told by many teachers that I’m a fine writer. I know that the jobs aren’t that high paying unless you make it to the MLB as a writer or a correspondent for ESPN. I also understand that the jobs are very competitive because it’s a dying industry. Is all of this true or am I just being fed a bunch of misconceptions? Any insight is much appreiceated thank you!

@gotheeem25 Everyone has different opinions about this, but personally, I don’t think journalism is dying. It’s changing in a lot of ways, but “dying” makes it sound like there will soon be no jobs available, and that’s simply not true. News isn’t going away anytime soon, and someone has to report what’s happening. So in my opinion, journalists will always be needed. Broadcast journalism (which is what ESPN falls under) is especially not dying.

That said, it isn’t a field you go into to get rich. The jobs are competitive, but someone has to do it, so if you’re interested in becoming a sports journalist and that’s where your passion lies, then go for it.