Sports Journalism Help???

<p>I love sports and I really want to get a job doing something I love
Im also a good writer which means a journalism is the way to go
I would love to work at ESPN maybe as an analyst or sports broadcaster or announcer
Im just wondering what jobs in journalism enable you to travel and go to games?</p>

<p>Also, to get a job at ESPN would you major in journalism and then master in journalism?
or would you major in something else and then master in journalism?
or would you major in journalism and master in something else?</p>

<p>What are the best colleges for what I am looking for?
I know that Northwestern,Mizzou,Syracuse,UNC,USC,NYU,Columbia are all really good journalism schools but which is the best for me(sports,broadcasting,Television,interviews)?</p>

<p>What other jobs are there to do with sports?
Is Sports Management a safer route than journalism?</p>

<p>I know i asked a lot of questions but it would be so helpful if you could answer some or all of them</p>