<p>I played two years of varsity golf and became pretty good my senior year. I know that if I went to MIT I would play on their team because my golf scores are better than the average. Will filling out a recruiting form for the golf team give me any advantage in the admissions process?</p>
<p>Well, it won’t hurt. </p>
<p>If you’re interested in playing golf at MIT, I’d encourage you to fill it out – it’s not a huge leg up, and athletic ECs aren’t valued at MIT more than other types of ECs, but given the competitiveness of MIT admissions, every little bit helps.</p>
<p>how about a sport like boxing… i mean MIT did have a team… it doesnt anymore…</p>
<p>my main problem is basketball recruiting… my coaches for both sports past away, and they were the ones that knew me well… how am i gonna get MIT recruiting coaches to know about me?</p>
<p>The recruitment form for MIT varsity sports is online [url=<a href=“http://web.mit.edu/athletics/www/varsity.html]here[/url”>http://web.mit.edu/athletics/www/varsity.html]here[/url</a>]. You fill it out; it doesn’t need to be filled out or otherwise seen by your coach.</p>
<p>ok thank you</p>