Spring 09 books - math 54/physics 7a

<p>I'm taking Physics 7A (Zettl) and Math 54 (Wagoner), and I was wondering what textbooks I should get. The book in box isn't working for me, bSpace sites aren't updated yet, and Ned's doesn't have ISBN numbers. If someone knew exactly which books to get (I usually get them off of Amazon Marketplace), that'd be greatly appreciated!</p>


<p>Try [College</a> Textbooks, Golden Bears Apparel and Gifts, Cal Student Store : <a href=“http://www.ucberkeley.bkstr.com%5B/url%5D”>www.ucberkeley.bkstr.com](<a href=“http://www.calstudentstore.com%5DCollege”>http://www.calstudentstore.com)</a> and click on “FIND YOUR TEXTBOOKS AND COURSE MATERIALS” in the yellow rectangle in the middle/bottom of the screen. That should do the trick :)</p>

<p>If you plan on taking Physics 7B and/or 7C, I would recommend this book: [Amazon.com:</a> Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Chs 1-37) with MasteringPhysics (4th Edition) (MasteringPhysics Series) (Chapters 1-37): Douglas C. Giancoli: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Scientists-Engineers-MasteringPhysics-Chapters/dp/0136139264/ref=pd_bbs_sr_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231532343&sr=8-4]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Scientists-Engineers-MasteringPhysics-Chapters/dp/0136139264/ref=pd_bbs_sr_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231532343&sr=8-4)
Make sure you purchase one from a seller who says it comes with mastering physics cuz you’ll need that for hw. It covers 7A-7C and saves a ton of money over the Berkeley store prices. </p>

<p>However, if you just want something that covers 7A material, I’d go with this:
[Amazon.com:</a> Physics for Scientists & Engineers Vol. 1 (Chs 1-20) with MasteringPhysics™ (4th Edition) (MasteringPhysics Series) (v. 1, Chapters 1-20): Douglas C. Giancoli: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Scientists-Engineers-MasteringPhysics-Chapters/dp/013613923X/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231532602&sr=8-1]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Scientists-Engineers-MasteringPhysics-Chapters/dp/013613923X/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231532602&sr=8-1)</p>

<p>As for math, I’d just buy directly from Neds or the student store. I wasn’t really able to find a cheaper price on amazon.</p>

<p>Hope that helps.</p>

<p>e-follett (Cal Student Store) is the world’s biggest ripoff when it comes to buying textbooks. I have a used copy of the Portable TA, Vol 1 that I can sell to you for just $10. You don’t need to pay $33.75 for it. Just send me a message if you want it, as it’s been sitting idly on my bookshelf for the last three years.</p>

<p>thanks for the help, guys.</p>

<p>what is portable ta? does it help?</p>

<p>^ i’ve been told it’s very helpful. in retrospect i should’ve purchased one for 7A in the fall. :p</p>

<p>Do we just need the book + mastering physics and none of the other stuff?</p>

<p>According to Ned’s,</p>

<p>Ucb Physics 7A Pkg (Giancoli 4/E, Wrkbk & Masterin
Physics For Sci & Eng W/ Mod Phys [Pkg] </p>

<p>are required, but do we really need the edition with modern physics?</p>

<p>Cal student store, on the other hand, only has </p>

<p>Physics for Sci & Eng (V1) Pkg (w/ Wkbk & Mastering Physics) as required. </p>

<p>I’m planning to purchase the book w/o modern physics + mastering physics, but where do we get the workbook? And do we need the lab manual? (which is $47 for some reason)</p>

<p>i have no idea what ‘modern physics’ is, but in the fall semester we needed the Giancoli textbook, the MasteringPhysics subscription and the lab workbook.</p>

<p>Can you purchase the workbook separately? What is it called? I’m planning to buy the Physics for Sci & Eng and MasteringPhysics together from another place.</p>

<p>edit: so we don’t need the lab manual?</p>

<p>anyone know?</p>

<p>i heard we do.
lab manual
and mastering physics thing</p>

<p>to compSciBeast:
what is that first link you listed?
on the cal student store site, theyre selling the book, workbook, and mastering physics for about 100
while the first amazon link is the book and mastering physics for almost 150?
whats the difference</p>

<p>the cal student store 7A book is only the ‘berkeley edition’ for 7A which only includes the chapters of the Giancoli textbook necessary for THAT course – i.e., up to but not including the thermodynamics and E&M stuff (which is 7B material). the amazon link is for “Ch 1-37” of the Giancoli textbook which includes the 7B material.</p>

<p>ohh. thanks!</p>

<p>dt_: just went to ned’s and all the 7a and 7b books look like the custom editions with modern physics. the books you link don’t appear to include modern physics; it looked like 7c had a whole textbook required that was called “Modern Physics”. So do I need to return the book I ordered without modern physics and get one with it?</p>