Spring 2010 Transfer Chances


<p>I just sent in my transfer application to the school and I plan on entering in Spring 2010 if I am admitted. I was curious of my chances. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>-In-state student
-Intended Major: History
-High School Record: Below Average
-SAT Scores: Not considered (earned over 24 college credits)
-Transferring from a 4 year private college in VA
-Member of my current school’s honors program</p>

<p>1st semester college final grades</p>

<p>Psychology 1……………….. A
English 101………………….. A-
Freshman Seminar………. A
Social Science………………. B
History to 1877……………..A</p>

<p>2nd semester college final grades</p>

<p>Sociology 101………………..A
Southern US History………A
Biology 101……………………B
English 102……………………A</p>

<p>3rd semester college midterm grades</p>

Honors Program Seminar….A-
French 101…………………………A-
Women’s History………………..A</p>

<p>Feedback is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>I have no idea of transfer requirements or recommendations, but you surely have done well with your GPA in college. If high school grades are considered and are below average as you mentioned, perhaps that could be a drawback, but the fact that you have done so well in college so far should certainly count for a great deal in showing your maturity and hard work. Good luck.</p>