Spring 2014 Move Out Date

<p>There is two different move out dates listed out on UM's website. On the spring 2014 calendar is says "Housing closes at 12 noon on Friday May 9". On the housing website it says that "You must vacate your room 24 hours after your last examination". Since exams end on Wednesday May 7th that would imply everyone has to be out on Thursday May 8th. </p>

<p>Trying to buy our freshman's plane ticket for August move-in with a return date in May. Didn't know which date to pick. Also when do most of the kids move their stuff to storage for the summer? Do they wait until all their exams are done or do they move most of their stuff earlier?</p>

<p>Move out is 24 hours after your student’s last exam, so it would be impossible to know when their last exam is at this point. You would know more after their first week of class in January and finding out the exam schedule then.
Most kids move out when they have the time (trips to storage) and such. Many do it in the 24 hours after the final exam.
I believe the date of the 9th is for those graduating, as many graduate in the morning that day.</p>


This stipulation is generally aimed at the students who finish their exams well before the last exam date, such as maybe that Monday - they expect you to be out Tuesday, instead of sticking around for the rest of the week doing nothing productive while others are trying to finish exams and move out.</p>

<p>Yes, Thursday is 24 hours after the last exam so generally everyone is out on Thursday… who wants to get up early and finish moving out on Friday morning before noon? :P</p>

<p>What I did this past year and it seemed like most others did, was: take my last exam on Wednesday morning, spend the rest of Wednesday cleaning out my room and packing everything together, and then left Thursday morning.</p>