<p>at a recent recent held in July the question about Spring Admits buying a student activities card was brought up and here's the answer sent via email today for anyone who wants to know.</p>
Thank you for attending the 2006 Spring Admit Reception!
In response to the question addressed at the reception regarding
attending fall sporting events (i.e. football games), please review the
following information. Spring admits who would like to purchase their
Spirit Activities Card in order to attend fall sporting events, must
submit their commitment deposit by the required deadline. If your
deposit is submitted by the deadline, you will receive an email from the
USC Ticket Office with additional information detailing how to proceed
with purchasing your card. After that point, further questions should
be addressed to the Ticket Office, which can be reached at (213)
We appologize for the delay in getting this response, but hope this has
been helpful. We are very excited to see you in the Spring, </p>
<p>hey, thanks for the information man. i'm a spring admit as well and i want to attend the games! do you know how to get an email address? it says that we will be getting it during orientation but we need it for the spirit card :(</p>
<p>okay nvm, ig ot my email address and i applied for a spirit card; does anyone know how i can get a usc id early?? isn't the spirit card linked to your uscard?</p>
<p>They should be able to give you the best info. Yes, the Spirit Card is not a separate card, but something that is activated on your USCard. If you're in the LA area, it sounds like you should contact them & work things out about how to go about getting your card.</p>
<p>cool cool, i'm still waiting for my spirit card, i applied for it on wednesday (i got the email with the code etc...) how long does it usually take?</p>