<p>So, I leave tomorrow morning to the Caribean. I’m sure several other RTBs on here are gone as well. So, I give my leave for the next 10 days or so. Be good peeps and keep bein’ positive!</p>
<p>Have fun bro!</p>
<p>wow... i'm just spending sb in ohio at home and visiting friends at miami and ohio state... hornet, you'll have to tlel me all about it</p>
<p>Yeah, tell us all about it...withOUT incriminating yourself.</p>
<p>I spent Spring Break in the Caribbean last year; it was a blast.</p>
<p>The great thing about the Cayman Islands are these "Things" are legal. Like alcohol and such. Didn't touch the guy who offered the reefer though lol. Man, amazing time! Scuba, snorkel, waveriders, sunset sails, concert, clubs, BEACH, and more fun in the sun. amazing first college spring break!</p>