spring transfer

<p>hey I am headed to RU in the spring as a transfer just wondering if anyone else is in the same position...I have not heard much from the school yet besides I have to attend a star day on January 13th but not much else no clue about housing or anything else when will I get more information? does anyone know?</p>

<p>thanks in advance

<p>When did you get accepted? Once you got your acceptance packet, there was something in there about housing. If you log into enrollment pathway you should be able to apply for housing. You should do that ASAP, because housing for the Spring semester goes up next week. Also, if you log into enrollment pathway, it automatically tells you what you need done before the STAR day such as immunizations, placment testing, emergency contacts, etc.</p>

<p>yea i have done all that where can I find the housing information?? I have sent in everything needed</p>

<p>Immunization forms
Residency Papers
Final Transcript
My status page does not reflect this yet but it does seem to be a bit slow to post</p>

<p>I am attending STAR day on the 13th and have much of what needs to be done on the checklist done, I am hoping that I do not get screwed on picking my classes but we will see what happens.</p>

<p>Will anyone else be at the STAR day on the 13th?</p>

<p>OO and how do I know if I need to take any placement tests? I was never informed of it but maybe I am not looking in the rights place</p>

<p>Thanks in advance all</p>

<p>On the Enrollment Pathway page click on housing/dining…it should send you to the housing application. As far as placement tests, in your STAR day packet, there should be an evaluation of your previous college transcript. On the botom of the last page of the evaluation, it will tell you if you have to take a placement test or not…if there’s nothing there, then you don’t need one.</p>

<p>yeah, Im in the same position as you, and I sent my housing application and everything in, if you sent it in you should be finding out this week if you havent yet applied im sorry but I doubt your going to get housing as they do not expect to have enough for anyone.</p>

<p>Did anyone get any housing info yet I find it kind of ridicolous and annoying that we are souppoused to start in 2 weeks and still have no clue if we will even be offered any room/board</p>

<p>Are transfers guaranteed housing even at the hotel? I haven’t got anything yet.</p>

<p>my understaning is no, housing is not guaranteed</p>

<p>Contact the housing office ASAP. There may not be any for male students, but there may be for women. Good luck.</p>