spring visit day?

<p>i remember hearing or reading something about a visit day for everyone that has been accepted to cornell... i think it was sometime in April...
but looking back over the letters i have received from cornell i can't find anything about it.
so first of all, am i right in thinking that there is this visitation day? and if so, is this mainly just to convince students accepted RD to matriculate or is it beneficial to people accept ED as well?</p>

<p>I heard something about a visitation in April, but what exactly do they have us do during those days?</p>

<p>in our acceptance letter that we received in the mail, it mentioned something about visiting cornell in April, but i'm not sure if its only for ED or RD as well. i don't know, but they also said that they will be sending us more information pertaining to our April visit. so the time will come lol</p>

<p>oh great, thanks</p>

<p>in april, for about 10 days, a bunch of pre-frosh come and check out cornell, to see if it's the school for them/reiterate their belief that it is the school for them. I will be helping mainly w/the overnight pre-froshes, and i think we might be sponsoring some night events as well, but it depends on how much we have time this semester. In the past, there have been parties at night (but pretty lame) that allow pre-frosh to meet each other and freshmans (i doubt the upperclass will want to join because these events are mostly on north campus).</p>

<p>During that week, the food is exceptionally great (besides parents weekend, it might even be better too!), and that usually hooks a lot of pre-froshs.</p>

<p>you get to attend a few classes, seminars, and go to the cornell store and buy really expensive things, take pictures, and wear out your new pair of shoes, get a few parking tickets, and walk up the 161? stairs to hear the deafening bells at mcgraw towers. if you are lucky and come on the weekends, at least one of the culture organisations will be having their culture night that week, and you can attend it. you get to wear these little name tags w/ Class of 2009 on them so that everyone on campus will know who you are and stare at you like you are from outer space, desperately trying to secretly tell you NOT to come here, i think some succeed.</p>

<p>but overall, it is a great experience for pre-frosh. you come probably in the thick of the 2nd or even 3rd round of prelims for everyone, and if you can wake up at 5 am, go visit the library and find many students sleeping, yes even studying at that ungodly hour. then, you will truly get what college life is about in those few days, and decide yay or nay.</p>

and if you can wake up at 5 am, go visit the library and find many students sleeping, yes even studying at that ungodly hour. then, you will truly get what college life is about in those few days


<p>wow, every thing that you described sounded awesome, but I got chills with the quote above, i don't know what, but that made me so excited and i can't wait anymore until august comes, thanks for the info</p>

<p>Yeah, me too! I'll end up convincing the RD acceptees in April to attend Cornell. Let me go now!</p>

<p>It’s called Cornell Days and it usually goes on for about two weeks in the middle of April. In the past, the information about Cornell Days came in a big packet called "Case for Cornell" which was received iin the Spring. You had to wait until you received that packet to sign up for Cornell Days (other things in that packet: Cornell Dining Brochure, information about financing your education, housing brochure, etc.) I don't know how they are handling it now. </p>

<p>You can choose which days to attend, unless you are invited up for a special program. All pre-frosh are welcome, but the focus is on the Regular Decision admits to try to showcase Cornell. I recommend that all pre-frosh (including Early Decision students) participate if they can. You will be much more comfortable with your surroundings when you start in August, and you might even make a few friends! I think all of the Ivies have similar programs, Yale’s is called Bulldog Days.</p>

<p>I really enjoyed Quynh's insider scoop on Cornell Days! Generally, you get a closer look at the campus as an admit than if you were a prospective student. For example, one of the options you can participate in is called the Freshman Experience Tour. You get an opportunity to visit a few of the dorms, which is very helpful if you are in a quandary about where to live. Cornell Days is very well organized and I think you get a pretty good feel for the University. You also have a unique opportunity to meet with a Student Ambassador from your college, and they are prepared to answer most of your questions. If you choose, you can stay overnight in one of the residence halls. You can also come up with your parents and stay in a hotel and just attend the daytime events. It’s totally up to you.</p>

<p>count me in!</p>

<p>yeah, i went last year. Was alright. Should have been better organized, IMO. </p>

<p>But, its definetely worth it to come see the school. And yeah, prelim days are lovely arent they.</p>

<p>What are prelim days?</p>

<p>Prelims are Mid Term Tests (Preliminary Tests - Not the Final Exam)</p>