SSAT scoring if applying to repeat a grade

If you are a 9th grader applying as a repeat 9th grader should your SSAT’s be scored as an 8th grader or as a 9th grader? Does it vary from school to school? What have people’s experiences been with this issue. Insights appreciated.

It depends, what schools are you applying to?

I spoke with Exeter this morning and they want you to score for the grade you are in not the grade to which you are applying. Other schools may be different but that makes sense.

The SSAT form asks what grade your child is currently in, not what grade they’re applying for. So unless you fib about the grade, it would be scored comparing your child to other current 9th graders, even though many (but not all) of those kids will be 10th graders next year.

This is generally true. I do know, however, for people currently in eighth grade and applying to repeat eighth grade at Groton they can take the middle level SSAT. I remember reading this somewhere on the SSAT website.

You take the grade that you are applying for, not the grade you are in. For example, if a 9th grader is planning to repeat, you take the same test as 8th graders applying for 9th.

Hope this helps.


Did you hear that from a particular school? Exeter explicitly told me differently over the phone. I’d be curious to learn if there are differing policies on this at different schools.