St. Andrews or Wisconsin by next Friday?

This is what would concern me about this poster’s situation if they chose UW. Getting into Business at WI is indeed competitive, and it is not automatic for those who meet the course and GPA requirements. The scariest part is each student has one attempt at getting in. If you are rejected the first time you apply to get in, that’s it.

And the minimum GPA is 3.0, but I called them once to ask what the average GPA is among admitted students and they wouldn’t tell me. They told me students have to submit an essay, their resume, and GPA and those are the 3 main things considered for admissions.


I would shy away from an option that is going to require a future admission. Your kid is clearly smart, but if things get away from him at all, he may not be able to make the cut for the program.

So I would be weighing both scenarios for what they guarantee, not for what they might be.


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I like those three things becuase they are controllable. I just don’t want to throw him to the lions of US college admissions again, where he is at the mercy of people that craft a class on variablews out of his control. It is a risk, but I get the feeling he wants to take it. I have asked him to call and talk to the admissions department and ask if they will consider changing it to direct admit. He made honors roll all of senior year with AP Stat and AP Calculus and a couple of other really advanced classes. I agree with the comments here and I would be much more comfortable with his decision if he is direct admit. He already APs out of most the pre-buisness requirements.


If he chooses UW, feel free to DM me with any questions about things to see/do.

Thank you. Yesterday he proudly became a badger. He is beyond excited even though his mother privately shed a little tear. HIs friends overwhelming voted for WI because they had no idea what St Andrews was about. I appreciate all the comments. It was the right choice for a kid that wants to go into Real Estate.


Just one anecdote that supports your son’s decision–

We have a family friend whose son attended the University of Edinburgh. He wanted to go into real estate finance. When he returned to NYC he could not get a job in his field, at all, and he tried hard. He ended up getting a masters at Columbia (cost him $$$$), he just graduated and is now employed in his desired field.

Plus your son can always go to the UK for a masters, if he wants that experience.



On, Wisconsin! He will have a total blast there.


Congratulations! And, he can study abroad for probably at least a semester, right?


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