St. Edward's Hall--does it suck guys?

<p>Hey, what are your thoughts of St Edwards hall... I'm in a triple, and Im a little ****ed...what do you guys think?</p>

<p>I bet you will be fine. Saint Ed's isn't my favorite hall, honestly (it is the oldest) but it isn't bad either. It is a unique community (not as bad as Zahm, your neighbor) but it always has struck me as a good group of guys. I also bet the triple will actually be nice because you will have more space even though it is split three ways. Don't worry, I think you will be in good shape, and if not switch dorms next year!</p>

<p>Hey irish, whats wrong with Zahm...Are the rooms small in St Edwards?</p>

<p>The rooms are fairly small in St. Ed's I believe, but they are big enough, you just have to be a bit creative. I just know that compared to some of the newer dorms and also some other schools we have small dorms, but they aren't that small. </p>

<p>What's wrong with Zahm? Well, Zahm has a unique personality and unique traditions that set it apart. They are a tight group but they are always on the line (in my opinion) of hazing their freshman a bit and at pep rallies they are usually the ones to start the cheer "Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole....Zahm's gay, Zahm's gay." They are also known for being the party dorm, even though of course the best parties are off-campus.</p>

<p>I don't mean to scare anyone if you live in Zahm, the "hazing" I refer to isn't bad and really it isn't hazing and they are just a crazy group of guys. I wish my dorm was as close as they are.</p>

<p>uh oh... st eds sounds a little boring....</p>

<p>One of the dorm rooms I saw when I was at nd for a weekend was a triple in St. Eds, and it was very big. So you might have gotten lucky in that respect.</p>

<p>EDIT: Especially if the beds are lofted, as the ones I saw were.</p>