Hello To All
I was wondering, If you could PLEASE tell me my chances of getting into SLU.
GPA- 3.0 (not the best)
SAT 1210 (Not submitting though)
Played water polo for four years at Hill
Won the state championship in 2017
3rd team all state for goalie
Also member of the swim and dive team for Hill
Won state championship in 2016
Placed 2nd at suburbans in 2015
Eagle Scout in 2018
Vigil Honor in 2018 (Highest Honor in Scouting)
EEC Chair President
Plays Trombone in the Band for 8 years
Member of the pit band
Member of the British Exchange in 2017
Rowed all four years at Hill
SHINE Award Recipiant
AP Scholar
Dad attended SLU.
Also applied to Union, Conn College, Gettysburg, UHN, Hampden Sydney, UVM and U Maine.
Hmm - looks like the average GPA is 3.5 so your GPA is a little low for SLU but your ECs look great. Have you been up to visit? They do take into consideration your level of interest as well as the fact that your dad went there so those could give you a boost.
My husband and I also went to SLU and loved it. We finally got a chance to take our kids this year and they liked it too but it is probably too far from home and too cold for them (we live in FL now.) We took our girls (freshman and junior in high school) on the tour but did not do an interview. I did see that they think interviews are important but I figured if my older daughter likes it enough to apply we will go back and interview later. A perk of the tour is that you get an application fee waiver at the end. I guess they figure if you were willing to get all the way up to Canton they will give you a little present! (oops, just saw you already applied so too late for that, but you still get a pub cookie!)
I’m sorry I can’t guess your chances but I’m wishing you good luck! I’m sure your dad has told you SLU is the greatest place on earth 
Thanks for the information, the thing is I only took I AP and one honors throughout my high school career and I looked up that they do take consideration of the high school rigor.
Well I hope your legacy status helps and you get into SLU - Good luck!!!
Can someone else please chance me for st Lawrence acceptance
I think you will be accepted. You have excellent EC and an especially strong one as an Eagle Scout. It’s hard to do all the other things you’ve done and earn the Eagle Award. You are concerned about your 3.0 but that will be viewed in context of your school’s profile. A 3.0 at one high school is a 3.5 at another. Try not to stress. I think you’re in.
Plus I’m doing a pg year next year for golf which will help.
If you are going to do a PG year for golf next year, then why did you apply to colleges ?
I didn’t I just wanted to see my chances
I have a question what will happen if you don’t hand in your sat scores because slu is test optional I heard you had to complete essay prompts or you have to take remedial courses during the summer is this true? @Empireapple
Why would you need to take remedial classes? I have never heard of such a thing. When you fill out the Common Application each college/university has their own set of additional question and some have additional essays as well. My DS did apply to SLU but I can’t remember what the addition application information was. When you are ready to apply to colleges just be sure to chose a variety of safety, match, and reach schools. Then go ahead and apply. Nobody knows for sure who will be admitted. Based on what you shared here, I think SLU could be an acceptance for you. SLU is test optional. So, if you don’t want to submit your score, you don’t have to.
Not sure why you would not submit your SAT score. It is 15 points above the SLU class average (1195 according to US News).
I have a bad gpa and really good sat scores and Ec’s. Will they accept me at Early Action. Is the admissions process difficult ? @hudsonvalley51
How “bad” is your GPA, @patchy36? My d had a 3uw and a 3.7w and got in with some merit even. She had a great overall application (3 varsity sports, lots of ECs, excellent recommendations, decent essay, lots of rigor)
Its “Okay” Here are some of my states below
GPA- 3.0 (not the best) only one AP and One Honors
SAT 1170 (Not submitting though) Math:590 Reading 580
Played water polo for four years at Hill
Won the state championship in 2017
3rd team all-state for goalie
Also member of the swim and dive team for Hill
Won state championship in 2016
Placed 2nd at suburbans in 2015
Eagle Scout in 2018
Vigil Honor in 2018 (Highest Honor in Scouting)
EEC Chair President
Plays Trombone in the Band for 8 years
Member of the pit band
Member of the British Exchange in 2017
Rowed all four years at Hill
SHINE Award Recipient
AP Scholar
Doing a PG year at Salisbury
Dad’s friend attended SLU probably will get a recommendation from him.
Also applied to Union, Conn College, Gettysburg, UHN, Denison, UVM and St Micheals.
I’d probably call SLU a high match/low reach. They do like student athletes, and you’ve got some very nice ECs. I’d say you’ve got good shots at St. Michael’s and UVM, maybe Gettysburg too. Union and Conn are a reach I think. Is UHN supposed to be UNH? If so, a good shot there as well. Also, you could try taking the ACTs. My daughter got around a 1290 on SAT but a 31 on ACT which is a better score comparatively. Some people just do better on one test over the other. Best of luck to you!
If you took only one AP course how are you an “AP Scholar?”
I actually took two more I just forgot to add it
Did your dad got to SLU or Dad’s friend? You said both. If you’re a Chip, at SLU with those stats I’d say you’re in. I’d call Denison a low reach.