St. Mark's Questions

Thank you so much for the information!

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Hey, y’all! Just checking back in! Any updates on revisit days? Has anyone committed yet (it’s fine if you haven’t :D)? Happy to answer any questions/address any concerns as spring break ends tomorrow :frowning:

NM, wrong thread

hi i was directed to this thread after commenting on a thread that was 2 years old lolol

im a prospective 9th grader

  1. There currently isn’t a track and field team at St. Mark’s, so will I be able to play in an external sports club or am I restricted to the sports at St. Mark’s? Do many students do this?
  2. Are music programs divided by skill level?

hey! glad you found the right place lol
welcome to the st. mark’s area/community/idk !!

  1. You will be able to do an independent sport as far as i know, but it requires approval from the athletic department.
  2. Mostly, yes. There’s no skill level programs for ensembles like Jazz Band or Orchestra, but there’s Music Studio I, II, Music Theory I, II, Adv, etc.

also, are you going to revisit day tomorrow? shoot me a pm if you want :))

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Eyyy I’m going to revisit day tomorrow (at the cost of school, but it’s not like I wanna go anyway)!

i’m not able to go to revist day because school is too important to sacrafice rn, but i’ll definitely be there for online revist day!

Dang, I should’ve went to school today. I’m not gonna go on a full on rant but it has something to do with missing Biology (I have the worst teacher) and having a huge test tomorrow…

omg that sucks… good luck on your test!

also, since we might be classmates in the future, do you have an instagram or anything? i’m just scared i might not have any friends in the beginning of the school year lol sorry if it’s intruding or anything

nice! how did it go for you? might’ve bumped into you at some point :))

that’s totally understandable! i had online revisit day last year and it was super cool too!

aww i’m so sorry you had to miss school… good luck on your test!

Hello! Sorry for the late reply; I’ve been busy with Biology lol (btw, I survived the Biology test yay)

I’ll pm you my instagram! I would love to be friends before the next school year starts!

yay! looking forward to knowing you!

@lex6314 - My daughter is wondering if the chapel services twice a week have prayers/hymns included. She does not want to have mandatory religious time at school and that would be a deal breaker for St. Mark’s. The website is a little unclear in that they write that they are somewhat non-denominational/try to be inclusive, but it also appears that at some chapels, there are prayers and more “traditional” services. If you could let me know your impressions and if a person who doesn’t care to attend organized religious services would feel comfortable, that would be great. About how many of the “traditional” services are there per term?


my son is rising senior and Jewish. Hates organized religion but LOVES Rev. Talcott. It is more about being a good person than following a doctrine. He has never felt uncomfortable. My one comment on St. Mark’s heading into senior year is that NOBODY can top their college advising. I have another rising senior at Deerfield and it has been amazing to compare. St. Marks is where you want to be when applying to college. Food needs some work.


One questions about St. Mark’s (prospective student); what do athletes who play AAU/club sports do if they have tournaments on a Saturday that conflicts with class time? Any perspective here would be much appreciated! My understanding is that these classes can’t be missed. Thank you!

I am not a St. Mark’s expert, but I think your instinct that the Saturday classes are important is correct. There are of course also Saturday sports commitments for many students as well, so not sure if they would be on the St. Mark’s athletic team in addition to the club team?

Others on here know more about balancing club teams in the context of boardings school, but I think the short answer is that it is not easy. Would the student be a day student?

Thank you! We are undecided; we live within 30 mins of the school, but there are definitely more spots for BS than day students. I’m finding some threads about clubs sports and BSs that have been helpful. I’m guessing I can also ask the coach we are in touch with at SMS about their policies. My daughter would be on the school team in addition to her club (goal is to play at some level in college and she’s been with this particular club for 5 years). Thanks again!

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