St. Mark's School (MA) Q&A!

My son was also accepted for class of 2027, and we are so excited! We didn’t receive any package from SMS – and we live about an hour and 15 minutes drive away, so I think maybe they don’t send packages.
You need to carefully read all the emails you got – one of them has an authorization link to sign into your parent portal and you can register for the revisit day once you set up the parent portal. You need to click the link with your authorization code for it to work correctly. My husband is taking my son to the revisit on the 4th, maybe they will see you there!

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Okay thank you so much.

Ohhh! Thank you! I will find time today to read throughout. I registered to the portal but I didn’t look around much as I wanted to take a break. The admission journey was long, overwhelming and exhausting. We will definitely come in one of these days (I will post after I confirm which day will work for us) and hopefully to meet your son.

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My son was also accepted for class 2027. He is really excited. We live not that far from SMS. We have not received any packages from the school either. Will go to one of the revisit days. Probably on the 4th.

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re everyone about packages: i remember getting my package from sm pretty late, like around a few days after m10 if my memory serves me correctly. if any other current students have any insight on this, feel free to share! (i was in the covid year so fedex/ups might have been different)

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Just received the SMS package in the mail today. It is a big envelope containing acceptance letter and information on revisit days, School map, and other things.


We are out of town on spring break but hopefully it’s waiting for us when we get home!

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We have received our package today and the day of revisit will be on April 6. I hope to see some of you there.

We were definitely excited to be accepted to Saint Marks. From the research we’ve done in the ranking in business insider, and other places, alumni and current students it certainly seems like it’s a special place that’s highly thought of.
Now that we have done more research and spoken to students who have been there although we were accepted as a day student, we are definitely leaning towards asking to go boarding. It sounds like it could definitely be an option. They keep the kids busy and engaged there and I did not get the feeling at all at the campus empties out on weekends. I agree with the previous post who said Sundays are for resting because the kids have such a busy six days they need the downtime to regroup. I think that is similar to most boarding schools.
Saint marks from what I understand has an amazing alumni network and I’d have to say everyone I have spoken to or met there is enthusiastic and looking out for the best for the students in the school. We have a few interesting choices because of sports recruiting involved and it’s going to be very difficult to decide, but Saint Marks is giving us a lot to think about and it would be hard to turn it down. While we are definitely a sports oriented family and recruited as such at several other schools, the thing we love about Saint Marks is the balance between academics and sports. our child may pursue playing his sport in college but after that, it’s all about getting into a great and fulfilling career, and it seems like Saint Marks may have their eye on the right mix.

One sage piece of advice I heard when my DS had applied to BS- when comparing schools think of this : if your kid breaks his leg/arm and cannot play his/her sport anymore, will he still find the school a perfect fit?
Believe it or not, you never think it will happen to your kid but it does. Mine didn’t break his leg, but got so sick during IV form he ended up at BCH for over a week and the infection permanently scarred his lungs. He will be on treatment for the rest of his life.
I know of several other parents in similar situations at BS. Luckily, we were at a school that was perfect for him without the sport, as well.
Just food for thought.


So very sorry about your DS. :heart:This is EXACTLY what I was just talking about to my S26 and his father. I totally agree - we are looking at 4 very different schools and while it is amazing that the coach(es) want him to play there so badly and are really wonderful people aside from their coaching “hat” my fear is that S26 is at a school where if his sport is unable to be played his reasons for being there could be few or nil. Thank you and we area looking forward to revisit days!

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sounds awesome! hope to see you on revisit day!

Does anyone here have experience or perspective on doing the Global Diploma program? My son is very interested in traveling and the experiential learning aspect --is it hard/super competitive to get into the Global Diploma program? I know travel was disrupted due to covid, but if anyone has any thoughts about that program or any other trips/travel experiences at St. Mark’s, I’d love to hear them. Thanks.

I have a few friends in that program so I don’t know all the specifics, but I do know that it is pretty difficult to meet all the requirements. The program has around 10-15 ish students, and everyone is required to complete a global travel trip with the school + take the Advanced Studies in Global Citizenship class + be in a level 4+ language class (hence the program is focused on V/VI form) + be part of the Haiti partnership OR be a global ambassador. I went on the France trip last week with some students and I think about 3 students on the trip were in the program.

The school has a variety of trips pretty much every break, this spring there were classics students that went to Greece, and school the orchestra went to Quebec (@Jasmino1233 can definitely tell you more about that!). We are trying to recover from the disruption that covid caused, and there are also tons of study-abroad options. I have a few friends that chose to study abroad for a full year in France and Spain, and it looks fun. The website doesn’t have THAT much insight, but it gives a pretty good overview. ( let me know if you need more information, and I can ask some of my friends to answer them!


Thank you! We are going to a revisit day so hopefully there will be a panel or info about all the travel/study abroad options there!

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There are a ton of travel/study abroad options without the global citizenship program…fyi. Many Lion terms (Lions Roam) are overseas and they are different locations each year.


of course! Talking with Dr. Warren might also help since she organizes the opportunities. I believe you can email your AO and request to speak with her on revisit day if possible.

We had an amazing time at St. Mark’s revisit day last week and are excited that our S26 will be joining the St. Mark’s community this fall! Awesome school, great people and incredible opportunities. He (and we) can’t wait to start getting involved.


Woohooo! If you have any personal questions leading up to move-in, please feel free to DM me! I was just on Campus this weekend!

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Thank you, will do!