Standard GPA system?

<p>does anyone have an idea what GPA system colleges use to find your GPA?</p>

<p>its difficult to compare my GPA with others because at my school:</p>

<p>94-100 = A, 4.0
90-93 = B+, 3.5
84-89 = B, 3.0
and so on</p>

<p>while at other schools:
90-100 = A, 4.0</p>

<p>so everything is kind of skewed...</p>

<p>Wow, your GPA system is pretty crazy. Typically:</p>

<p>A grade-4
B grade-3
C grade-2
D grade-1
F grade-0</p>

<p>And there is not a difference between a B- and B+; they still have the same value as 3.</p>

<p>My school is super dumb.</p>

<p>My freshman year: (my 92 in Spanish was an A. :D)
A: 90-100 (4.0)
B: 80-89 (3.0)
C: 70-79 (2.0)
D: 60-69 (1.0)
F: 0-59 (0.0)</p>

<p>Then, they changed it to: (they also added 3 points to Honors classes and 5 points for AP classes)
A: 93-100
B: 85-92
(I don't know the rest...)</p>

<p>WOW, Renak what school do you go to?</p>

<p>thanks for the feedback.. but i go to a fairfax county public school in northern va... the grading scale sucks!!</p>

<p>but for OniLawliet's scale, what is the 'A' equal to percntage wise?</p>

<p>Just to clarify, do all colleges recalculate GPAS's that way? For example my s is in the same county as renak. For us a B+ is in the low 90's and the transcript states that very clearly. Do colleges disregard this information?</p>

<p>renak, I don't think most people understand what a pain fcps grading can be compared to other local county grading systems. It creates such a disadvantage especially when you consider that some in our state get .5 boost for honors and a 90% is an A and a 98% is an A+ for a 4.5 you add a 98% in an AP/IB and you are looking at a 5.0GPA. Not possible for us!</p>

<p>I think that colleges recalculate your GPA on your letter grades (e.g. B+ will be 3.0, even if your school uses 3.5), but I think that they do not recalculate grades based on percentages.
Anyway, your class rank is more important than the absolute value of your GPA.</p>

<p>Disclaimer: Every college is different and I might be wrong.</p>

<p>Even worse, our school/county does not rank. </p>

<p>Anyone have any idea how Virginia state schools do it?</p>

<p>but, if GPA is just recalculated based on letter grades, then how will colleges compare va students with someone who's school gives A's to 90-100%? then everything is skewed...</p>

<p>this is very annoying/ confusing</p>

<p>Colleges make their own GPA...they look at your transcript and calculate it themselves. The only thing they look at from your school GPA wise is your class rank</p>

<p>renak, percentages are even more inaccurate than letter grades imo. At my school, anything above 80% is an A and still the best GPA is only 3.8_.
Even if your school does not rank, schools usually (I heard that there are exceptions though) report other information to colleges like the average GPA from which they could estimate your class rank.</p>

<p>ohhh ok
thanks everyone, im cleared up now</p>

<p>I got my transcript a few days ago, and I was thinking that my school's 4.0 conversion is pretty tough. My average is 92.66, without any weights. My GPA has one one-point weight in it, and weighted is 3.5951.</p>