Standardized tests?

<p>Hey, I was just wondering, but does Olin superscore standardized test scores? I got a 35 on the ACT last time and retook it today to raise my English section, but if Olin doesn't superscore, I'm considering not sending today's score... Does anybody know? How about for SATs?</p>

<p>Maybe a good place to get that answer would be on "allison's blog," the admissions officer blog on olin's website.</p>

<p>As a former Admission Assistant, I can safely say that we took the best score for each section of the ACT or the SAT from all the times you took it when I worked in the office (as recently as last May).</p>

<p>Kevin Tostado
Olin '06</p>

<p>Thanks for your responses! I looked at Allison's blog, but nothing about superscoring was on it... Thanks again! Now I feel somewhat justified in having taken the ACT again =]</p>