Stanford 2014 SCEAers

<li>NEVER look at your application after it has been submitted</li>
<li>Thou shalt not speak of rejection</li>
<li>Thou shalt not look at CC decision thread from the previous year, it is the crusher of hope. </li>

<p>? maybe add something like listening to lectures on or iTunes U because they make you want to go there even more.
? Do not look at the classes they offer because you most likely will not get to attend them.
? Do not expect decisions early, plan on the 15th and maybe you will be suprised</p>

np :stuck_out_tongue:
but i got a good laugh from it so it was worth it :)</p>

<p>i agree with the not looking back at ur app rule.
it kills.
i was reusing an essay and i found a really bad typo. it still kills me</p>

<p>my reaction if accepted:
[YouTube</a> - Shout! - The Isley Brothers](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>NEVER NEVER EVER look at your app once you have submitted. It does you NO good.</p>

<p>it haunts you… haha
Getting a calendar was a bad move on my part, and watching Orange County.</p>

<p>[Nitro’s</a> Rejection…](<a href=“]Nitro’s”></p>

<p>i lol’d at your rejection prussia!</p>

<p>Now I want to watch Orange County.</p>

<p>Dang, I feel like I miss all the best topics when they’re fresh. :(</p>

<p>Anyhoo, to catch up a bit, I’m not fluent in anything, but I do speak/write a bit of French. I can read it much better than I can speak or write, though. I’m with all the others here though who are more well versed in programming languages. C++ all the way! Woo! I am among the many of you who once wanted to be a game programmer. </p>

<p>Not to dredge up anything, but I asked earlier this earlier in the thread: speaking of programming, anyone at all do</p>

<p>Ohmygosh Nitro. I laughed. Hard.</p>

<p>I’m afraid I’ve not done anything for euler, myself. Looks interesting, though.</p>

<p>@ Nitro Hawk hahahahahahaha, if you can freak out like that and stanford does not accept you then they do not know the true meaning of passion.</p>

<p>My gosh, it’s the most addictive thing ever. Fun, too! I’ve done 35 problems but I’ve hit a road block… usually when this happens though, I take a couple weeks break from it and come back and hit a streak of a few problems.</p>

<p>lol. i’ve been away a while and now theres so many people on this thread now.</p>

<p>snowys back!!!</p>

<p>well hopefully i wont try to sodomize myself w/a TV remote if i get rejected but no promises…</p>

<p>and on that note welcome back snowy!!!</p>

<p>Ah, I need to stop going to swim practices! I miss all the good topics. :confused: To catch up:</p>

<p>I wrote my common app essay about being on a reality show, and how it made me realize the difference between melodramatic fluff and true tragic catharsis. My intellectual vitality was about staying up every night to stare into the dark and think of ideas for the experimental play I wrote for our theater program (it took place in a blackout and was lit only by a flashlight–lots of weird metaphors and allusions to Plato). The roommate essay was a mishmash of reasons that I am strange. “Why Stanford?” was a very straightforward one about interdisciplinary studies. They were actually pretty terrible essays; I didn’t proofread them enough.</p>

<p>I tried programming when I was around 12, and I was okay at it, but it wasn’t exciting for me. I only remember HTML and CSS now. :P</p>

<p>And, just so everyone knows, NorCal is nothing like Orange County. Our beaches are mostly very cold. The last time I visited one was in June, and my legs were actually numb after standing in the water.</p>

<p>okay… so lost… so are we doing reactions to if you get accepted? Here’s mine
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>any other ideas for the Stanford REA do and do not list?</p>

<p>We were not talking about Orange County the place, we were talking about the movie.</p>

<p>Starmie! Snowy!
SCEA/REA order has been restored.</p>

<p>thanks. lol, interesting conversation we’re having here. sigh…i can’t believe it’s so close.</p>