Stanford 2014 SCEAers

<p>I second that</p>

<p>I am very confident that this thread will reach 5K by the 15th</p>

<p>haha understood</p>

<p>I actually plan on doing that, Nitro, which is why I mentioned I’d make the discussion thread before the decisions one. (So I can link.)</p>

<p>Having the link in every decisions post is an interesting idea… I’ll chew on that one a bit longer.</p>

<p>I like that idea but will the link be to this thread or another?</p>

<p>for new people, what you’ve missed:</p>

<p>Recent Stanford 2014 SECAers topics V134132459:</p>

<p>-Prussia!'s gender
-<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; Nitro’s Art Supplement
-Torcher stalking people on facebook
-Neil Patrick Harris(son)
-How to take a dump
-beating yale in every possible way
-facebook groups/facebook group failures
-special number posts (1000,1111, and of course 1169, 1234, 2^0-2^1-2^2-2^3)
-Elvis’s application to Stanford
-Manhood sizes (Read Post # 1174, <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; (page 79), then read what it was in response to: #1173)
-101 ways in which Nitro Fails
-Starmie’s gender
-Frowny face editing >:****(
-Male vs Female defecation habits
-diglett’s gender
-sarba topping prussia!’s uber random decision rejection
-throwing people out the window (prague style)
-nitro hawk’s gender (I hate you all, 4/10 for Edward is still below “average” for me liking other guys)
-Starmie vs. Diglett
-Anon’s gender
-Diivio’s gender guessing failness
-Dear Stanford admissions officer… (<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;)
-hot men (chase crawford, james franco, Aaron Tveit)
-Indian people
-Diivio’s flirtatiousness
-the merits off good looks in guys (1 to 10)
-Roasting: Nitro/snowy/Prussia/Diivio/Anon
-CC couples: Diivio/snowy(+anon?), Nitro/Prussia(+Starmie)
-Talking about people…
-Future, past Nostalgia
-Quote book
-Hitler/Indian parents
-Harvard v Yale/ACT v SAT (yawn)
-bands/musical tastes
-What we are really like
-stories, good times
-double standards w/men and women
-Diglett’s story (beating the **** out of superman w/kryptonite shovels)
-TV personalities
-1992/1993/1994/2000/2009 posts (NITRO HAWK IS A CHAMP 1000 and 2000 what what??)
-Taking a dump Starmie style v2.0
-excitement over beating Yale
-VICTORY OVER YALE (grats starmie on the post (2278(?))
-Who should write the Yale fail letter
-Who should make a diplomatic gesture to Yale
-Diplomatic gesture to Yale
-I doesn’t afraid of dying
-Torcher: 2028 president elect
-Nitro gets #2468
-where do you see yourself in 10 years
-raunchy bio/chem jokes
-Nitro and Diivio – same school
-Vomiting rainbows: No more Calculus
-What your street name means about your dreams
-Temperature where you live
-Natural Disasters where you live
-Personal accepted notes
-Nitro ASCII art V2
-Official decisions thread corrections/improvements
-Letter of Rec from Obama
-What if someone got rejected w/a rec letter from Obama?
-REA thread rules
-What you want to do when you grow up
-Programming Pasts
-Videos of rejections/acceptances
-Dumbass check: Decisions thread, how to get people into the discussion thread</p>

<p>how about some memorable quotes?</p>

<p>I think Anon has been falling behind, so idk if thats still a go</p>

<p>If you could have anyone alive write you a letter of rec who would it be (assume this person actually knows you well and likes you)?</p>

<p>Jesus if by alive you mean dead :P</p>

<p>umm, last month i would have said Tiger but obviously things arent going to well for him rignt now…</p>

<p>the dalai lama?</p>

<p>solid pick</p>

<p>although synergy wise that probably wouldnt be the wisest choice unelss he could attest to my programming prowess :P</p>

<p>Haha, well, I think that’s a death sentence that’d change depending on who you ask.
In the meantime, I get Jesus, Enoch, and Elijah!</p>

<p>Actually, while we’re in Bible talk, there’s a funny story in it that I always like to share:


<p>What wikipedia neglects to mention is the fact that the Bible describes how Eglon is so fat that the sword goes in and is covered up by his gigantic blubberous fat rolls. Yes, really.</p>

<p>Alright, tangent done.</p>

<p>I think I’d have Stephen Colbert write my recommendation, just because I would want to read it and frame it (when I’m done crying with laughter).</p>

<p>wth i already dibs’d jesus</p>

<p>-aparently W-T-F is a ***able offense</p>

<p>I was thinking of possibly having seperate threads for accepted and rejected folks. That way it’s easier for future applicants to view them in a more orderly fashion. Also, those who get defered should wait till the REA thread to post their final decessions, and there they should specify that they were deffered through the SCEA rounds… what do you guys think??</p>

<p>And BTW Nitro, am I responsible for the “How to take a dump”… oh dear haha.</p>

<p>AWW MAN I missed the good conversation D;</p>

<p>Obama’s letter of rec, and rejected? ROFL</p>

<p>Naw, I don’t really like that one, honestly. I just think it’s awful cruel to segregate off the rejects and accepts like that. Besides, I don’t see much wrong with seeing both mixed together.
It is a valid train of thought, though.</p>

<p>haha no Starmie is, i sort of quote:</p>

<p>“I like to take dumps w/o any clothes on, sometimes i fall asleep…”</p>

<p>Anon found this mortifiying</p>

<p>and agreed w/not having separate threads, you could probably hear crickets chirp in the REJECTED thread, and then there will be all those sore 2350/4.0s that go to the ACCEPTED thread and whine… i see what you mean though, i just doubt it would work as intended</p>

<p>I don’t know I think that having them all together is important seeing such impressive stats with different results had an impact on me. I think they kind of need to be together.</p>

<p>Wow its almost just a week away! So when I was looking at last years thread people started getting bitter and mad at each other when decisions are posted I think we should have a pledge not to do that on the decisions thread</p>