<p>Diivio it’s more like…mint chocolate chip=win
or frozen yogurt from some place like yogurt passion <3
But Haagen Daz is yummy too</p>
<p>ugh my life is so lame. So I returned a book for AP English a month ago by dropping it into the book drop and today the librarian today tells me for the first time that I apparently haven’t checked it in…</p>
<p>diglett i pmed them to you. the second essay is in halves.</p>
<p>i wouldnt give a damn either way</p>
<p>good luck on your interview nitro!</p>
<p>a damn about what? when decisions come out? and interview for what? sorry, im so behind. and good luck:)</p>
<p>Well, we speculated that it could be this Friday for a long time, based on previous years’ schedules. However, they released an official announcement a few days ago saying it’ll definitely be Tuesday.</p>
<p>I can never decide what ice cream I like best… Mint Chocolate Chip and Black Jack Cherry are usually winners.</p>
<p>I take that back Nitro, your interview was next week :P.</p>
<p>I’m so happy I already applied to all my colleges. Now it’s all just a waiting game…</p>
<p>sighhh. luck. im so behind on apps, the procrastinator i am…i have 10 apps left.</p>
<p>SNOWY! I absolutely loved the second one. It shows you growing as a person more than the first one. Although I really liked both, the second one stood out to me the most</p>
<p>second what? Oh and good luck everyone!</p>
<p>oh btw your inbox was full so I had to reply here x]
Her essay.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m usually a procrastinator but I really filled out my other apps to get my mind of Paradise…oh sorry I mean Stanford.</p>
<p>goshhh. i used the first for stanford. what do you think of that? sigh. i wish i’d thought about using the second. i had written it as an english assignemnt.</p>
<p>lol PM boxes can get full, how many posts in full? Lol I don’t think I’ve ever received a PM.</p>
<p>NVM I found out. It’s 50. Never noticed that thing in the upper right hand corner lol.</p>
<p>Hahaha. Meh I gotta go and help shoot water-polo pics soon. Woot for still being at school!</p>
<p>diglettttt. do you think the 1st one stands out?</p>
<p>Yeah I think it does. I liked both of your essays (: I just thought the second one was a bit stronger though they’re both strong [to me they are]
Try to get more opinions from people like your friends. They’re the ones who know you best.</p>