<p>btw, OMG. SO CLOSE TO 300.</p>
<p>honestly, i have an even split. i’ve had people tell me they love the first one and people say they love the second one…so im so lost</p>
<p>I could be a tie breaker lol! Actually I got to in like 30 mins though.</p>
<p>Btw snowy did you notice that you realllllllllllllly like to elooooooooongate your characters? I know it’s for emphasis but I can’t help but notice patterns.</p>
<p>Hey snowy can I read your essays too? Just wanna see how mine are compared to others Either pm or email to <a href="mailto:jwang217@gmail.com">jwang217@gmail.com</a></p>
<p>Thanks and good luck to all of you</p>
<p>wangatang that’s an interesting username. Why’d you pick that?</p>
<p>yes. i do diivo, nice observation:)</p>
<p>atang comes from Orangutan?</p>
<p>lol was there a hint of sarcasm in that complement Snowy? lol</p>
<p>Anyway to everyone: what’s the best Shakespearean play you’ve ever seen? Oh and Our school’s Drama Team just won 1st at State for the 8th year in a row. This is a holler out to them even though they aren’t here on CC. Go School Spirit!</p>
<p>no, not really. maybe a bit:P</p>
<p>so why did you pick the number 435 out of the infinite possible choices of numerals.</p>
<p>To Everyone: Speaking of numbers, here’s some more calc pick up lines (aka jokes don’t actually use them): </p>
<p>my love for you is like an exponential curve. it’s unbounded
i wish i were a derivative so i could lie tangent to your curves.
i’ll take you to the limit as x approaches infinity.
let’s take each other to the limit to see if we converge
can i explore your mean value?</p>
<p>we finished our vectors unit in calc 2 today, it was fun! I know a bunch of random stuff now like finding the volume of a parallelepiped. I wonder when I’ll use that in real life?</p>
<p>hahahaha. yeah. our calc bc seniors get calc t shirts at the end of the year and they have 10 calc pickup lines on them .it’s awesome. </p>
<p>hmmm…435, b/c 3-4-5 triangle but i switched them. im weird like that. most of my user names have 169 cause 13’s my “lucky number”</p>
<p>lol ironically I now a lot of people who say 13 is their lucky number. I see so it was because of your love for Pythagorean. Nice guy but I think he’s a bit old for you JK lol sorry I’m full of bad jokes, don’t worry I’ll be outta here in like 10 minutes so no one will have to continue to endure my cheesy-ness.</p>
<p>Actually I’m leaving now, but before I do here are a few more corny jokes:</p>
<p>Q: What was the biologist wearing on his first date with a hot chick?
A: Designer jeans.
Did you hear about the famous microbiologist who traveled in thirty different countries and learned to speak six languages? He was a man of many cultures.
Confucius’s once said, “When you breathe, you inspire, and when you do not breathe, you expire.”
Q. What does DNA stand for?
A. National Dyslexics Association</p>
<p>haha. it’s ok. you’re cheesy jokes are still funny cause i guess im one of those people who still enjoys them. lol.</p>
<p>My Calc teacher loves coming to class with the corniest, cheesiest jokes possible every day. I’m talking popsicle-stick jokes here.
They’re funny just because they’re so bad…</p>
<p>Hey all… So Nitro I hear you’re having an interview next week??? I had mine a few weeks back… good luck!!</p>
<p>btw Prussia, I already wondered what Jacks on the villa meant? I know your from Florida because you’ve said so and Hurricane State of Citrus also makes that obvious, but what does Jacks on villa mean? Is it a place?</p>
<p>interview for which school?</p>