Stanford 2014 SCEAers

<p>*DISCLAIMER minus the whole stripping segment…</p>

<p>Okay I can’t take it anymore, I have to know - what does SCEA stand for??
I was going to hide my noobness, but I guess it’s just not in my nature to do so.</p>

<p>luck luck luck. I’ve never been too lucky my whole life but now, just this time, grant it to me.</p>

<p>Yeah only the first like 60 seconds are funny :x</p>

<p>Single Choice Early Action = scea (:</p>

<p>or sony computer entertainment america
whichever you choose.</p>

<p>^^ lolz (this is an addition so my message is actually above 10 char >_>)</p>

<p>I love the Yale/Stanford friendship that we’ve extended.</p>

<p>And what are we talking about right now?</p>

<p>Thanks, diglett. Yeah I typed SCEA into hoping to find something, but it gave me Sony Computer Entertainment America D:</p>

<p>Haha no problem (:</p>

<p>I’m going to fight for 4000 since 3456 got taken :O</p>

<p>I’m going for #4000. And I was the one who got #3456.</p>

<p>:O darn you!</p>

<p>My mom just yelled “Ohmygod you have a chance!” and I thought she was talking to me. But she was talking to my uncle about losing weight because they’re watching The Biggest Loser right now. Got my hopes up for no reason…</p>

<p>Hahahaha! Aww.
Here, I’ll yell it for you: “OMG DIGLETT, YOU HAVE A CHANCE!!!”</p>

<p>Who’s waiting for 4000?</p>

<p>:3 aww thank you!
meh anon you can have 4000. If this ever got to 9000 I would so claim 9001.</p>

<p>Canary, even though you’re a girl, your pledge isn’t that much less of a commitment. It’d probably be weird to see anyone dancing around in a bikini at admit weekend.</p>

<p>It’s a 3 way then?</p>

<p>I’m going to hope for 4000!</p>