<p>3999 10char10char</p>
<p>EDIT: What I meant was 4001. And congrats Anon</p>
<p>3999 10char10char</p>
<p>EDIT: What I meant was 4001. And congrats Anon</p>
<p>you got it. unless rolandic is mean and deletes his post. LOL</p>
<p>I tripped at the finish line :(</p>
<p>Thank you Diglett. Any other number you want to claim?</p>
<p>Too soon! there’s always 4444, 4567 LOL</p>
<p>I failed in my claim for 3999 haha</p>
<p>Get this thing up to 9000 so I can get 9001 [YouTube</a> - Original Over 9000 Scene](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvFsrlTe40Q]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvFsrlTe40Q)
nah well maybe 4444</p>
<p>4444, the ultimate palindrome :)</p>
<p>Don’t forget 4321!</p>
<p>oh yes, 4321! That sounds so special.</p>
<p>How cool would it be if that was the last post number before decisions came out? Although at the rate we’re going, it’s more likely to be 54321.</p>
<p>Hahaha. Our last post should be 10,000. That would be awesome. I’m going to bed all. It’s midnight where I am, but I’m guessing some east coasters are still online.</p>
<p>ROFL Oh man I have a life. I can’t be posting over 1000 times a day. </p>
<p>I didn’t notice I reached member status. faillll
I should probably start calc homework now.
night guys (: Your song should be up thursday or friday <3</p>
<p>To get to 1000 a day you’ll have to start doing a little extra work!</p>
<p>Ack, this question is gonna sound really annoying and boring after all of the interesting discussions held on this forum. But I’m going to ask it anyway, hehe: Does anyone know what the email header will be? Will it say “Denied” or “Admitted” or will we have to wait to open the message?</p>
<p>First, I must say, 100TH POST EVERYBODY!!!</p>
<p>To answer your question time traveler, I’m 91.24% sure they don’t put the decision in the subject line, because that would just be cruel.</p>
<p>The decision isn’t in the subject line, but, if you’re using Gmail, the little preview will give it away.</p>
<p>And you SHOULD be using Gmail. :P</p>
<p>Guys, good luck from the Brown ED thread! :)</p>
<p>Noes! :'(</p>
<p>I just dropped a tack onto my carpet and I can’t find it…</p>
<p>I feel as if I’m going to majorly regret this later…</p>
<p>Oh, and good luck Tetris et al.! Hah.</p>
<p>Haha, thanks! I have a friend who did Stanford SCEA.</p>