Stanford Admissions for Applicants Fall 2022

Not sure. We are in California

The interview appear evaluative as opposed to informational, with a lot of structured questions


That is how my daughter compared to other interviews

My daughter has an interview for this Sunday. What kind of questions should she expect?

I think it depends on the interviewer.

But I gather my daughter was asked the types of things you might expect regarding favorite classes, academic goals, interests, and challenges, etc. She didn’t tell me the specific questions, but said there were not any that were really hard to answer or anything.

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Thank you! It can be intimidating. My daughter will definitely prepare. In her last interview they asked the most basic…why this university and she completely blanked! :laughing: I told her she may need to have some notes in front of her for this one!

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One thing that has helped my daughter (she’s doing interview #5 tomorrow): prepare Post-it notes with important points/answers and stick them all around the edge of her monitor. So when she’s on the Zoom call talking to her interviewer she can refer to those stickies without making it obvious she’s reading notes (vs having to glance over to a notebook on the side).

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That’s such a great idea! Thank you!

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Our S ( BSCS and MSCS Stanford 2021) had several interviews during his college applications. Here are a few things that helped him.

  1. Have canned answers to a few often ashed questions like: “Tell me about yourself”, “Why are you interested in attending Stanford”, and “What do you do outside of school”

  2. Have a few questions to ask about the school.

  3. Practice. Sit down and practice answering questions with friends and family. We always started our practice interviews with “Tell me about yourself” and ended with “Do you have any questions about Stanford”.

I have to say that every one of his interviewers (Stanford, Harvard, and MIT) all started with “Tell me about yourself”.


Thank you so much! I’m copying this down for my D. That ‘tell me about yourself’ can throw you off. Specific questions are actually easier.

That can start things off smoothy with no stress. Makes the rest easier. Sometimes the hardest thing for kids to learn is how to stop. Our son’s “tell me about yourself” answer had an ending like “…and that’s why I’m excited to be here with you today”.


DS had his interview about 10 days back. Loved his interviewer. Said they talked about many many things of common interest….and didn’t get into talking about standard questions until 40 minutes into the interview then continued for another 20 minutes. Let’s see what happens. We are from the east coast.


Did anyone has interview in Washington DC area?

S22 has one today

Wouldn’t that be a disadvantage to the kids not getting the interviews ?

My son hasn’t gotten one and we are 30 mins away from Stanford. Non availability of alumni doesn’t seem likely.

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I think the problem is that too many people near Stanford know the local alumni or are friends of friends, etc., so it is seen as potentially unfair. They want you to be interviewed by someone with no connection to you. Or maybe they figure local kids don’t need the opportunity to ask questions or learn more through an interview because Stanford is so well known there.

Anyway, the website specifically says they don’t interview specified areas of Northern California: Interview : Stanford University


Makes sense.
Thank you for the link. We should’ve researched better. Looks like kids from my county are not offered interviews.

To be very honest, my son isn’t really expecting to get in. in his words, this one is like playing a lottery :laughing:

I received an interview last month from London UK

how much % of class is already filled with ED/EA?

Did any of the students who received interview request also submit an art portfolio? I was told portfolios were evaluated first , and usually delayed the process as a result. Any truth to it?