Stanford Admissions for Applicants Fall 2022

No, didn’t submit an art portfolio.

Thanks, good to know.

That would make sense since I received an interview but my friend who applied with portfolio didn’t receive one yet, but the portfolio deadline was in dec so wouldn’t they have some time to review it before normal regular people?

Submitted application with portfolio last Dec and no interview request. No idea what’s going on.

Domestic, non portfolio applicant and I still don’t have an interview either :frowning:

  1. Does Stanford require mid year grades?
  2. If the high school counselor has sent it, do they update it in the portal ?

Stanford does require midyear grades by February 15.

My D22’s counselor just submitted them today. In the Common App on the Recommenders page, it indicates the midyear report is “submitted.”

When Stanford downloads it, I assume it will change to say “downloaded” like the original school report.

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Thank you!

Does the mid-year report, sent by the high school counselor via common-app, just consists of updated transcript/grades, or he/she can add comments or recommendations as well? Thanks

I have never personally seen a counselor’s report, but the Common App has this form available online and it gives the counselor an option to change/update the initial report, if desired:


Dumb question. Everything on the internet indicates that Stanford wants a mid-year report. My Kid says on portal checklist there is no line for that, and everything looks like it has been received (transcript is checked off, and no items are pending). Other schools had a line item on checklist, so for those schools kid instructed GC to send updated transcript with midyear grades, (because kid proactively checked all portals once one request for mid-year report came in by email). The one request that came by email was actually for a school that already accepted kid in EA round, but then in portals it became clear that some schools had mid-year on a checklist and some did not. I’d worry that maybe the apps already in the reject pile wouldn’t trigger a request for mid-year grades, but some of these schools have offered interviews. Does Stanford contact the high school directly for mid year report?

Our son looked at his portals yesterday, I’d asked him to make sure mid year transcripts were submitted by our school counselor if not we were going to submit them ourselves. This was his response. He noted that the mid year grades were submitted mid January. But he said on the Stanford portal there was no indication that it required mid-year.

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I don’t have a specific answer for you, but at my kid’s large public high school, the guidance counselor did zero fine-tuning. She just submitted the mid-year report to every school my D22 applied to through the Common App or Coalition App, even those that don’t require a mid-year report.

I imagine the schools that don’t want it will not bother to download it, but at least it will be there for those that do. :woman_shrugging:t2:



Hey! I just got offered a Stanford interview. I have heard that not everyone gets offered one. Is this true? Thanks.

This statement is true for every college that offers an interview. It’s usually based on interviewer availability and sometimes based on whether they need more information from the applicant.

I guess the more pertinent question is: is there a correlation between interview offers and acceptances? - or - does Stanford tend to interview applicants from whom they need more information?

I don’t know the answers but hopefully someone else here does.
My daughter had her interview a couple of weeks ago and she enjoyed it - said it was a great discussion.

Best wishes for your interview!

From the Stanford website:

  • Please do not worry if you are not contacted, as your application will be considered complete without an interview. It may be that we do not have enough volunteers in your area to interview each applicant.
  • Applications are not pre-screened for interview eligibility.
  • Applicants attending high schools not in an interview area are not eligible to interview.

Because they do not prescreen applications for interviews, receiving an interview invitation is not significant in terms of acceptance, but a good interview can only help! Best wishes! Hope it goes great.


Our S16 was interviewed, and later accepted SCEA. The interview went well as I remember, but I don’t know if it was decisive. Bet of luck to all. Stanford is awesome.

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Another student from the same high school as my DS got an interview from Stanford. In terms of ECs, my DS and that student has different fortes but maybe Stanford likes that student more? It does not seem to be an issue with interviewer availability in this case.

Interviewer availability also includes their capacity (most do only 4-5 interviews, typically not more than 10). Is it’s possible this interviewer already has a full slate.

AFAIK Stanford does not prescreen applicants for interviews, so I wouldn’t read anything into the lack of an interview (even though I understand it’s disappointing)